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GUDUMAC, Eugeniu; PEȘTEANU, Ananie
Investigaţiile au fost efectuate pe parcursul a trei ani (2005-2007) în pepiniera pomicolă a întreprinderii moldo-olandeze SRL „Fruit Nurseries”. Eficienţa economică la producerea pomilor de măr de tipul „knip-baum” a fost ...
ПАНУЦА, Сергей; КРОИТОРУ, Никита
Sugar beet culture of the temperate zone, is cultivated mainly for the production of sugar, but can also be cultivated for animal feed. Currently, there are up to 400 species of insects and other animals that damage this ...
The research was carried during 2013 year in apple superintensive orchard founded in spring 2006, in the company SRL "Codru ST", with one year trees. Planting distance 3.5 x1, 2 m. As an object of study is the varieties ...
IURCU-STRĂISTARU, Elena; BIVOL, Alexei; RUSU, Ştefan; SASANELLI, Nicola; ANDONI, Cristina
One of the major importance in the process of increasing the productivity and quality of tomato fruits grown in protected areas, is the phytosanitary control on the parasitic helminthological fauna, on the main complexes ...
КРОИТОРУ, Никита; ПАНУЦА, Сергей
In Moldova, 25-30% of leguminous crops are lost every year due to damage to pests and infection by toxin-forming organisms. Over 50 species of pests have been registered on soybeans, damaging the plant in different phases ...
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