IRTUM – Institutional Repository of the Technical University of Moldova

The economic efficiency on producing „knip-baum” apple trees in the fruit nursery

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The investigations were made during the period of three years (2005-2007) in the fruit nursery of the Moldovan-Dutch enterprise „Fruit Nurseries” Ltd. The economic efficiency on producing „Knip-Baum” apple trees in the fruit nursery was determined by three varieties (Idared, Jonagored and Golden Reinders), bench-grafted on rootstock M 9, based on the efficiency, freight quality and selling trees. It was established that the income from selling the „knip-baum” apple trees for all the studied varieties and on average for all the investigation years represented 1426,24-1495,84 thousand lei/ha, the profit was between the limits of 868,78-938,38 thousand lei/ha and the production rentability – 156-168 %. Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as The investigations were made during the period of three years (2005-2007) in the fruit nursery of the Moldovan-Dutch enterprise „Fruit Nurseries” Ltd. The economic efficiency on producing „Knip-Baum” apple trees in the fruit nursery was determined by three varieties (Idared, Jonagored and Golden Reinders), bench-grafted on rootstock M 9, based on the efficiency, freight quality and selling trees. It was established that the income from selling the „knip-baum” apple trees for all the studied varieties and on average for all the investigation years represented 1426,24-1495,84 thousand lei/ha, the profit was between the limits of 868,78-938,38 thousand lei/ha and the production rentability – 156-168 %.

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