Sugar beet culture of the temperate zone, is cultivated mainly for the production of sugar, but can also be cultivated for animal feed. Currently, there are up to 400 species of insects and other animals that damage this culture, while about 40 are permanent and dangerous. In 2016, favorable meteorological conditions developed, which contributed to the development of 16 species of pests of sugar beet. During the period of research, the meadow moth and the beet miner moth, the number of which exceeded the economic threshold of damage, were most developed. The most effective in controlling pests of sugar beet is the chemical treatment of plants with insecticide Nomolt, SC with a rate of 1.0 l/ha, which reduces the number of Loxostege sticticalis 91,5-100,0%, and Gnorimoschema ocelatella 92,49 – 95,07% within 7-10 days after treatment.