It was investigated the works of SIS structures pSi-CdS-ITO in which has been found experimentaly the effect multiplication process. For created this SIS structures was used thin films CdS with ρ=109 -1010 Ω.cm and transparency 80-85% deposited by method spray pyrolysis .The layer thickness was controlled by the deposition time and consta 15-180 Aº. ITO layers was deposied on CdS layer with thicknesses 70-100 nm method spray pyrolysis too. Ohmic contacts was fored : Ni to pSi and In to ITO. At the illumination by laser light λ=0,63 µm and the flux of N=6,3.1015 s -1 cm-2 the amplification coefficient M=10-12 , the fotocurrent density was 4-6 mA/cm2.