Articole din publicaţii naţionale: Recent submissions

  • VALUŢĂ, Ion; VALUȚĂ, Evelina (Tiraspol State University, 2018)
    În lucrarea respectivă autorii tratează unele probleme existențiale pentru dezvoltarea învățământului în Republica Moldova. În contextul examinat sunt lansate propuneri concrete privind creșterea performanțelor în sistemul ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Tiraspol State University, 2018)
    Ingineria se confruntă cu noi provocări precum: evoluția spectaculoasă a tehnologiilor comunicației și procesării informațiilor; evoluția sistemelor de fabricație spre sisteme inteligente → procese și produse inteligente ...
  • ZAPOROJAN, S. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1996)
    This paper is concerned with the functional distributed architectures (FDA) performance. In this work a quantitative analysis of FDA performance has been carried out. The carried out analysis makes it possible to determine ...
  • URSU, A.; DUBENETSKY, V.; GRUITA, G. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1996)
    An implementation method for real time systems is proposed in this article. The implementation starts with the design of the functional specifications of the systems behaviour. The functional specifications are introduced ...
  • MORARU, V. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1995)
    In the present paper the problem of constrained equality optimization is reduced to sequential solving a series of problems of quadratic programming. The Hessian of the Lagrangian is approximated by a sequence of symmetric ...
  • BORSHEVICH, V.; OLEINIK, W. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1994)
    A new approach to coding and protection of information in the computer and telecommunication systems is proposed and discussed. It is based on the mathematical apparatus of the theory of matroids, which in combination with ...
  • IGNATIEVA, Maria; CHIZHAKOVSKY, Valentine; POPESCU, Anatol; PIOTROWSKI, Rajmund (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1994)
    Over the last thirty years the long range goal of the research project of the Speech Statistics (Sp.St.) international group is to develop and implement in computer simulation psycholinguistically realistic model of language ...
  • KONDRATIEV, G.; BALABANOV, A. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1999)
    In this article some ideas of Hamilton mechanics and differential-algebraic Geometry are used to exact definition of the potential function (Bellman-Lyapunov function) in the optimal stabilization problem of smooth ...
  • SECRIERU, N. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1999)
    This paper deals with the results of spline approximation functions applied to periodical experimental data and its comparison with polynomial approximation functions. The experimental data processing methods based on ...
  • KONDRATIEV, V.; BAZHANOV, Y.; BALABANOV, A. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1998)
    The development of parallel digital computing systems (DCS) is a main direction in development of architecture of the computers wich succeets the on change of traditional principles of machines designing of consecutive ...
  • KONDRATiEV, V.; UTROBIN, V.; GREMALSKII, A.; BALABANOV, A. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1998)
    Formalization aspects of decision making procedure under the condition of a priori uncertainty of the analyzed images are considered. The analytical schemes of decision making process are constructed. They have the same ...
  • URSU, A.; GRUITA, G.; ZAPOROJAN, S. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1997)
    A design method of sequential system automata using temporal logic specifications is proposed in this paper. The method is based on well-known Z.Manna and P.Wolper temporal logic satisfiability analysis procedure and is ...
  • MORARU, V. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1997)
    Herein is investigated the method of solution of quadratic programming problems. The algorithm is based on the effective selection of constraints. Quadratic programming with constraints-equalities are solved with the help ...
  • LIVOVSKY, E.; CIOBAN, G. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1997)
    The work contains computer-aided method of construction of multifactor and complicated models on the basis of experimental data. The models are non-linear but traditional (constructed with the help of the method with the ...
  • LIVOVSKY, E.; ANDRONATY, N. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1997)
    In this work we spoke about the method of construction of models nonlinear by parameters with solution of system of nonlinear algebraic equations by combination of methods. We observed that method of shortest downhill is ...
  • KONDRATIEV, V.; UTROBIN, V.; BALABANOV, A. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1997)
    Formalization aspects of decision making procedure under the condition of a priori uncertainty of the analyzed images are considered. The analytical schemes of decision making process are constructed. They have the same ...
  • BUGAIAN, Larisa (Universitatea Cooperatist-Comercială din Moldova, 2015)
    Teaching requires improvement of communication methods with students. Besides the interaction with the teacher in the classroom, the new information technologies allow communication online. The most widely used is the ...
  • BUMBU, Tudor (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2020)
    This paper presents the description of some tools and resources for aligning diachronic parallel texts. We try to emphasize the idea of improving the lexicographical similarity between words and expressions used in old and ...
  • MADAN, Elena (Tipografia "Garomont Studio", 2020)
    În prezentul articol se va urmări evoluția lăzilor de zestre de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova (sf. sec. XIX – prima jum. a sec. XX), rolul influenței exterioare, a celei românești, ucrainești și ru-sești, care a lăsat ...
  • LUCA, Sergiu (Tipografia "Garomont Studio", 2020)
    „Tabula rasa” – teoria filosofului John Locke reprezintă în sine omul fără carte. Importanța cărții în formarea personalității este demonstrată de nenumăratele interdicții ale cărților pe parcursul istoriei omenirii: ...

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