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  • MARINCIUC, Mihai (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM, 2009)
    Pregătirea elevilor pentru participarea la concursuri pe disciplinele şcolare este o problemă importantă căreia i se acordă atenţie insuficientă. Autorul a activat timp îndelungat în domeniul dat şi consideră necesar să ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2019)
    Academicianul Ion Bostan, personalitate complexă și polivalentă, este o prezență remarcabilă în știința și educația modernă. Născut la 31 iulie 1949 în satul Brânza, azi rn. Cahul, academicianul Ion Bostan vine de la țară, ...
  • GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana; CORNEA (JUNCU), Claudia-Loredana (Academia de Administrare Publică, 2008)
    In an organisation, accomplishing the objectives is very important but it should not be attained against the human dignity. The maximum of succes should not be relaised through abolishing the values, through ignorance of ...
  • BUMBU, Tudor (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2020)
    This paper presents the description of some tools and resources for aligning diachronic parallel texts. We try to emphasize the idea of improving the lexicographical similarity between words and expressions used in old and ...
  • RUSU, Andrei; RUSU, Elena (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2017)
    We consider the well-known 3-valued extension of the intuitionistic propositional logic [1] and examine the conditions for o system of formulas to be complete with respect to existential expressibility of formulas considered ...
  • ONOI, Vasile; URSU, Leonid (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2019)
    Using isotopical approach we generalize concept of binary Moufang loop on n-ary (n > 2) case. We give two examples of ternary Moufang loop which are not a ternary group.
  • CUJBA, Rodica; RUSU, Andrei (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2018)
    The paper is dedicated to the interoperability of research information based on the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) and its realization in the Republic of Moldova by adapting it to local needs and realities.
  • JARDAN, Ion (Universitatea Ovidius Constanta, 2019)
    In the present work two partial operations in the class of preradicals ℙℝ of the category R-Mod of left R-modules are defined and investigated. They are inverse operations for product with respect to meet and coproduct ...
  • ORLOV, Victor; POPA, Mihail (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2017)
    For the four-dimensional differential system of LyapunovDarboux type with quadratic nonlinearities, we have found a holomorphic integral of Lyapunov type. Using this integral and the Lyapunov theorem, we have obtained ...
  • COJUHARI, Elena; GARDNER, Barry (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, ASM, 2014)
    For a ring A with identity and a monoid G we consider "monoid rings" with respect to G over A where the multiplication (a¢x)(b ¢ y) (a; b 2 A; x; y 2 G) is determined by a monoid homomorphism G ! End(A). Examples include ...
  • RUSU, Andrei; RUSU, Elena (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică "Vladimir Andrunachievici", 2023)
    Existential expressibility for all k-valued functions was proposed by A. V. Kuznetsov and later was investigated in more details by S. S. Marchenkov. In the present paper, we consider existential expressibility in the case ...
  • SIDORENKO, A.; GROISMAN, I.; SHIBAEV, A. (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2015)
    The exposure of dry seeds to a low-frequency low-intensity magnetic field of natural origin has a positive effect on the development of plants. Technogenic fields of industrial and domestic origin negatively affect the ...
  • JARDAN, Ion (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2017)
    In the class PR of preradicals of the category of left R-modules RMod a new operation is defined and studied, namely the left quotient with respect to join. Some properties of this operation are shown, its compatibility ...
  • JARDAN, Ion (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2017)
    In the present work a new operation, called left coquotient with respect to meet, in the class of preradicals PR of the category R-Mod of left R-modules is defined and investigated. It is dual to the studied earlier left ...
  • JARDAN, Ion (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2017)
    In the operation of left coquotient with respect to meet for preradicals of R-Mod is defined. In the present short notice the particular case of pretorsions of R-Mod is considered. We prove that for pretorsions the studied ...
  • KANTSER, Valeriu (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM, 2008)
    The present paper illustrates some aspects of scientific investigations of Professor Teodor Shishiyanu together with the research of Professor Rajendra Singh (USA) in order to outline the value of the obtained results in ...
  • GOLUB, I. V. (Institutul de Energetică al AȘM, 2016)
    This paper presents the variant of phase shifting transformer that is made, unlike from traditional technology, on the basis of only one magnetic core. The paper describes the methodology related to the analysis of operation ...
  • BOGDAN, Nina; SÎRBU, Tamara; BÎRSA, Maxim; CERNĂUȚEANU, Victor; COJOCARU, Irina (Moldova State University, 2022)
    Research aim is to strengthen the National Collection of Non-Pathogenic Microorganisms by adopting open science practices on access, preservation, sharing and reuse of scientific data. The objectives: Conceptualization of ...
  • POPA, Mihail; TIGINYANU, Ion; URSAKI, Veacheslav (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM, 2017)
    We report the results of calculations of some optical parameters of ZnSxSe1–x thin films based on measured transmission spectra by using the Swanepoel’s method, the Wemple– DiDomenico single-oscillator model, and the ...
  • MUSINSCHI, V.; CARAMAN, M.; MUSINSCHI, C.; SYRBU, N. (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM, 2009)
    The interest in the study of the optical properties of TeO2 and PbMoO4 crystals is determined not only by the fundamental physical mechanisms present in these materials but also by a wide spectrum of possible applications ...

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