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  • PRODAN-ŞESTACOVA, Liubovi (Academia de Administrare Publică, Republica Moldova, 2019)
    The ability of an educational organization to meet its goals and obtain the desired performance depends on its endowment with various resources and the ability to use these resources within an adopted management system. ...
  • CAZACU, Tudor; LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat de Studii Europene din Moldova, 2019)
    Legislația electorală cuprinde informația de bază privitor la regulile care urmează să fie respectate de participanții la raporturile electorale în procesul de realizare a drepturilor și libertăților politice de către ...
  • TODOS, Petru; CHIORSAC, Mihai; STRATAN, Ion; MARINCIUC, Aurel (Institutul de Energetica al AŞM, 2005)
    This report is about the beginning and the development of the nowadays electroenergetic system of the Republic of Moldova, about the description of the electrotechnic industry, about research and educational institutions ...
  • MARDARE, Igor (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova, 2005)
    Problema restabilirii imaginilor autentice ale obiectelor devine pregnantă atunci când dispunem de un volum de informaţie vizuală insuficientă pentru rezolvarea sarcinilor clasice de recunoaştere a imaginilor şi pentru ...
  • MARDARE, Igor (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldovaс, 2006)
    Creierul omenesc este cel mai perfect instrument de cunoaştere a mediului. În procesul de cunoaştere a ambianţei exterioare se manifestă următoarele proprietăţi ale creierului: abstracţie, asociere, creativitate, expresivitate, ...
  • GRÖTTRUP, Jorit; POSTICA, Vasile; ABABII, Nicolai; LUPAN, Oleg; ZAMPONI, Christiane; MEYNERS, Dirk; MISHRA, Yogendra K.; SONTEA, Victor; TIGINYANU, Ion; ADELUNG, Rainer (ELSEVIER, 2017)
    In this work, the UV and gas sensing properties of single Fe-doped and Fe2O3-functionalized ZnO micro- and nanowires are reported.
  • NIKOLAEVA, A. A.; KONOPKO, L. A.; HUBER, T. E.; BODIUL, P. P.; POPOV, I. A.; MOLOSHNIK, E. F. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2012)
    We fabricated Bi0.98Sb0.02 wires with diameters in the range between 200 nm and 2 μm and studied their electronic transport and thermoelectric properties. Rotational diagrams and strong Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations show ...
  • ARION, Valentin; NEGURA, Călin; BOROSAN, Constantin (Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, România, 2020)
    This paper addresses the issue of sizing cogeneration plants. A simple analytical expression has been obtained for cogeneration plants sizing and determining their share to cover the thermal load of either a consumption ...
  • COJUHARI, E. P.; GARDNER, B. J. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2018)
    A D-structure on a ring A with identity is a family of self-mappings indexed by the elements of a monoid G and subject to a long list of rather natural conditions. The mappings are used to define a generalization of the ...
  • BĂJENESCU, Titu-Marius (Electra Publishing House, 2017)
  • BODYAN, G. C.; POKOTILENKO, V. V.; SHESTAKOVA, T. V. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012)
    A backward (BW) algorithm to generate the optimum syndrome trellis for soft-decision decoding of non-binary linear block codes is proposed. The BW-algorithm is an inherent part of the elaborated sliding-sweep method to ...
  • SOBOR, Ion; RACHIER, Vasile; CHICIUC, Andrei; CIUPERCĂ, Rodion (Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, 2013)
    The results of experimental and analytical studies of the wind energy system with permanent magnet eddy current heater are presented. Power generated in the ferromagnetic solid steel by eddy currents is proportional to the ...
  • CONRAD, Holger; SCHENK, Harald; KAISER, Bert; LANGA, Sergiu; GAUDET, Matthieu; SCHIMMANZ, Klaus; STOLZ, Michael; LENZ, Miriam (Springer Nature Limited, 2015)
    Common quasi-static electrostatic micro actuators have significant limitations in deflection due to electrode separation and unstable drive regions. State-of-the-art electrostatic actuators achieve maximum deflections of ...
  • SAVA, Lilia; NISTIRIUC, Ana; CHIHAI, Andrei; NISTIRIUC, Pavel; ANDRONIC, Serghei (National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Bucharest, 2022)
    Adjustable optical attenuator (AOA) based on magnetoreological fluid (MRF) , which possesses SMART properties, can be used to adjust the power level of the optical signal when adjusting and measuring the parameters of ...
  • VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA, G.; CULIGHIN, E.; BOGDEVICI, O.; KHUDAVERDYAN, S.; SIDORENKO, A. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020)
    The objective of this investigation is to develop a smart and connected prototype of sensors network for monitoring contaminants in surface and underground water sources globally in real-time. Several prototypes were ...
  • PAJEWSKA-SZMYT, M.; GADZAŁA-KOPCIUCH, R.; SIDORENKO, A.; BUSZEWSKI, B. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020)
    This chapter provides a brief overview of the literature about the use of magnetic particles. Particularly for eco- and bioanalytics as a sorbents to sample preparation, which can be applied to wide variety of target ...
  • BAERLE, Alexei; SAVCENCO, Alexandra; POPESCU, Liliana; TATAROV, Pavel (Alma Mater" Publishing House, Bacau, 2021)
    This work deals with obtaining of natural yellow food colorant from petals of Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.). Our goal is to improve safety and biological value of protein-reach foods using natural yellow colorants, ...
  • DANILA, Victoria; BALAN, Stela; CURTEZA, Antonela (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, 2020)
    The purpose of the study is the development of smart clothing, identifying and quantifying of vital parameters of a child during monitoring. These include establishing health status and providing immediate medical assistance.
  • MORARU, Vasile (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2011)
    The paper presents a reformulation of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) system associated nonlinear programming problem into an equivalent system of smooth equations. Classical Newton method is applied to solve the system of ...
  • DMITRIEV, S.; BRYNZARI, V.; KOROTCHENKOV, G. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2005)
    In this report we present results of investigation of influence of the parameters of SnO2 thin film on their gas sensitive properties. SnO2 films were deposited by spray pyrolysis method. The influence of technologic ...

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