Facultatea Tehnologia Alimentelor: Recent submissions

  • BOLSAIA, Victoria; CARABULEA, Boris; CARABULEA, Vera V. (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    The paper presents the results of researches on the use of antioxidants - ascorbic acid, citric acid and sulfur dioxide for the treatment of unpeeled apples, without seeds, cut plates at different thicknesses, different ...
  • GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica; CHERECHES, Tudor; PATRAS, Antoanela (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
  • IVANOV, Leonid; MELENCIUC, Mihail; GIDEI, Igor; CARTOFEANU, Vasile (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    Basing on the analysis of differential equations system using partial derivatives proposed by A. V. Lykov, one proposes the calculation of soft regime dryers, using temperatures lower than boiling one. For a rational take ...
  • GALUSCA, Eduard; IVANOV, Leonid; DINTU, Sergiu; TARNA, Ruslan; CHIVIRIGA, I. (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    This article presents the temperature field distribution outside and inside of the base material and the surface heating of the base material to the melting temperature. The high adhesion of the base material to the coating ...
  • POPOVICI, Cristina; MIGALATIEV, Olga; GACEU, Liviu; GOLUBI, Roman; CARAGIA, Vavil (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    Cultivation of tomatos is an important agro-economic activity in the European Union (EU). Tomato processing industry entails the generation of large volumes of organic waste in the form of tomato seeds and skin. The tomato ...
  • BERNIC, Mircea; TISLINSCAIA, Natalia; VISANU, Ion; VISANU, Vitali; BALAN, Mihail (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    This article presents the study of the kinetics of the process of convection drying and the application of microwaves of the sugar sorghum cultivated under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova. The kinetics of the ...
  • HARITONOV, S. T.; VEREJAN, A. V.; LUPACESCU, М. T.; LUPACESCU, G. V. (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    Currently education in Moldova is going through the reforming period, changes that consequently may decide the place and even the role of our country in the worldwide educational system. At the moment, in the Technical ...
  • IVANOV, Leonid; VISANU, Vitali (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    The paper describes the general formulation of the problem of mass and heat exchange in the high and super high frequency electromagnetic field, which solves a wide range of applicative problems related to thermal treatment ...
  • BERNIC, Mircea; TISLINSCAIA, Natalia; BALAN, Mihail; GUTU, Marin; VISANU, Vitali; MELENCIUC, Mihail (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    Applying internal heat source (high frequency currents) to dry granular wet products, namely grape seed in the suspended layer allows the adjustment of the drying time, hence the duration of thermal treatment, for each ...
  • IVANOV, Leonid; GIDEI, Igor; COJOCARU, Ivan; CARTOFEANU, Vasile (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    The operation of the sublimation unit is largely determined by the mode of operation of the desublimation unit. The buildup of ice, during the process of dewatering the material, on the surface of the desublimator-evaporator ...
  • CALMÂŞ, Valentina (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Ces dernières annés, la production et consommation internationale et nationale des olives en conserve a augmentée.L’assortiment des olives en conserve vendus dans le magasin « Mavirar », situé dans la ville Ungheni(République ...
  • МЕЛЕКА, Александра; СУБОТИН, Юрий (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Здоровье человека во многом зависит от правильной организации питания с первых дней жизни. Действительно, нормальный рост и развитие организма возможны лишь в том случае, когда он в достаточном количестве получает питательные ...
  • МЕЛЕКА, Александра (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    В подростковый период организм быстро растет и развивается, различные физиологические системы перестраивают свою работу. Поэтому очень важно следить за тем, что и как ест подросток. Рацион младенцев, дошкольников и младших ...
  • ZADOROJNÂI, Larisa; BAERLE, Alexei; SUBOTIN, Iurie; VEREJAN, Ana; ZADOROJNÂI, Alexandru (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    În lucrare este cercetat procesul de obţinere a acidului hialuronic din creastă de păsări pentru utilizare practică. Acidul hialuronic se utilizează în calitate de medicament la tratamentul eczemelor, combustiilor pielii ...
  • GUTIUM, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    ALIMENTAŢIA ECHILIBRATĂ IMPLICĂ UTILIZAREA hranei bogate în antioxidanţi, substanţe care pot combate nocivitatea radicalilor liberi şi menţine capacitatea celulei de a se apăra împotriva agresiunilor virotice şi microbiene. ...
  • MUSTEAŢĂ, Grigore; URSU, Sorina; LAZĂR, Antonina (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    În articolul dat se prezintă rezultatele cercetării influenţei chipsurilor asupra potenţialului redox al vinurilor roşii în timpul maturării şi prelucrarea statistică a datelor . Vinul supus studiului a fost produs în ...
  • TOFAN, Alina (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    La patuline est une mycotoxine qui peut provoquer une irritation gastro-intestinale et un dysfonctionnement rénal, ainsi que des effets immunotoxiques, génotoxiques et clastogènes chez plusieurs espèces animales lorsqu'elle ...
  • CRASNEANSKAEA, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Что такое консерванты и их влияние на здоровье человека. Классификация консервантов. Натуральные и синтетические консерванты. Глутамат натрия (Е621) и его влияние на здоровье человека.
  • CRASNEANSKAEA, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Влияние ионов кальция, натрия и калия на организм человека. Последствия при их дефиците и избытке. Содержание в пищевых продуктах. Определение содержания ионов калия и натрия в минеральных водах, присутствующих в продаже ...
  • RADU, Oxana; FUIOR, Adelina (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Antioxidants occupy a special place in food industry as food additives, used against food deterioration. Antioxidants include natural and synthetic preservatives, but a lot of people do not know the difference between these ...

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