Browsing 2017 by Issue Date

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  • BULAI, Rodica; ZIAEV, Alexandr (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Aplicațiile web au devenit o vulnerabilitate primară pentru afacerile moderne. Astăzi, activitățile fiecărei întreprinderi depinde de tehnologiile web și Cloud. Potrivit Gartner, 80% din atacuri vizează aplicațiile web. ...
  • BARSUCOVSCHI, Leonid; ROMANENKO, Alexandr; MELNIC, Radu (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Такое понятие как “Аудио стриминг” или “ Потоковое вещание” сейчас набирает огромную популярность и давно стало трендом в сфере мультимедийных технологий на ряду с такими понятиями как “livestriming”, ”strimingmedia”. ...
  • ОЛЕЙНИК, Сергей; БЕШЛИУ, Виктор; СКОРОХОДОВА, Татьяна (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    В данной работе рассматривается вопрос проверки подлинности документов путём анализа структуры их поверхности. Приводятся исследования в данной области с применением фото камеры и сканера для регистрации поверхностных ...
  • VIRSTA Maria; ROMANENKO, Alexandr; TIHOLAZ, Tamara (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Миллионная индустрия интернет-шоппинга и популяризация социальных сетей за последние годы способствуют не только интенсивному развитию данной отрасли, но и поиску новых, нетривиальных вариантов реализации и рекламы товаров ...
  • SCOROHODOVA, Tatiana; GONTA, Liuba (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Моделирование поведения людей — очень важная задача при анализе и прогнозе количества пострадавших в чрезвычайных ситуациях. Главной задачей при данном моделировании является создание наиболее правдоподобного поведения ...
  • SCOROHODOVA, Tatiana; IACHIMOV, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Такое понятие как “Интернет вещей” сейчас набирает огромную популярность и давно стало трендом в сфере информационных технологий на ряду с такими понятиями как “machince learning”, “data mining” и “big data”. Чаще всего ...
  • VULPEA, Alexandr; CIORBĂ, Dumitru (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Activitățile unui utilizator pe calculator sunt determinate în întregime de sistemul de operare. Prin urmare acesta ar trebui să fie ofere încredere și să funcționeze perfect. Cu regret, chiar și sistemele de operare ...
  • SAVA, Nina; NIRONES, Cristian (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Lucrarea de faţă abordează principalele caracteristici ale sistemelor de realitate virtuală, influenţa şi aplicabilitatea acestora în diferite domenii. Va fi determinat rolul realităţii virtuale în dezvoltarea ulterioară ...
  • TINCOVAN, Sergiu (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    In technological processes for the incubation eggs waterfowl, there is a need for higher accuracy of supporting the microclimate parameters and introducing additional operations according to the program. Another important ...
  • ДРАГОНЕР, Валерий; ПОТЛОГ, Михаил; РОМАНЕНКО, Александр; ТИХОЛАЗ, Тамара; САРАНЧИУК, Дориан (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Рассмотрены вопросы построения высокоточных фотоэлектрических преобразователей угла.
  • UNGUREANU, S.; SONTEA, V.; VIDIBORSCHII, V.; LEPADATU, C.; SIPITCO, N.; FOSA, D. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    In this paper, research progress on wireless powering of implantable devices is discussed and summarized. An efficient method of powering of medical implants is a key component for receive progress in dramatic size reduction ...
  • JDANOV, Vladimir (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    SCADA AMR is the technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic, and status data from energy metering devices (gas, electric) and transferring that data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, ...
  • IACOB, Mihail; DEMCIUC, Iurie; BELENIUC, Cristina; AVRAM, Ion (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    The paper contains the description of the current situation in the Republic of Moldova and the necessary conditions for the transition to digital terrestrial television. It explained the division of the territory of the ...
  • ŞULETEA, Angela; DÎNTU, Sergiu (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    One of the biggest benefits of virtual education is the ability to easily explain complex processes and principles using animations and interactive 3D models. The purpose of this study is to determine which 3D software ...
  • BOTNARU, Raisa; BOTNARU, Irina (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    L’article présent se rapporte au thème de la lexicologie ,,l’homonymie”. Ce phénomène linguistique est décrit comme une relation entre plusieurs formes linguistiques ayant le même signifiant, graphique ou phonique, et des ...
  • COMAN, Gheorghe; RUSU, Vasile (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    În lucrarea prezentă se propune unele concepte metodice în predarea cinematicii rigidului liber și a rigidului supus la legături, care diferă de cele cunoscute din literatura de specialitate. Deosebirea esențială este în ...
  • BUZDUGAN, Aurelian; BUZDUGAN, Artur (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    In this paper we will reflect upon the necessity to follow the national cyber security requirements, which are also addressed to operators of nuclear and highly radioactive materials (NR). We will begin with an overview ...
  • CĂRBUNE, Natalia (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    The problem of creating structures specific to the world economy, governed by valid and acceptable principles for all the heterogeneous economies that make up and accepted as authorities by them, has become a very serious ...
  • BOTNARU, Raisa (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    La paronymie est un rapport lexical entre deux mots dont les sens sont différents, mais dont la graphie et/ou la prononciation sont fort proches, de sorte qu'ils peuvent être confondus à la lecture ou à l'audition. Il ...
  • COSTAȘ, Ana; RUSU, Galina (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    From the evidence available, new technologies are already changing the world. It is commonly thought that E-learning can strongly help in education. In no way traditional education can be replaced, but in this era of fast ...

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