The aim was to evaluate the influence of the Arapaho, Thornfree and Triple Crown varieties in condition of the Republic of Moldova on main phenophases of the development of the blackberries plants, quantity of fruits, their average weight, productivity of the blackberry plantation and their economic productivity according to the biological particularities of the variety. The study subject of the experience was the Arapaho, Thornfree and Triple Crown blackberry varieties. The distance of plantation is 3.0 x 1.5 m. The experimental plot it was placed in the „Pomrubus” Ltd. founded in 2014 year. The research was conducted during years 2016-2017. During the research, it was studied the phenophases of the development of the blackberries plants, quantity of fruits and their average weight, productivityof the plantation and economic efficiency of the production of blackberries. During the analyzed period, it was established that the phenophases of the development of the blackberries plants, quantity of fruits, their average weight, productivity of the plantation and economic efficiency of the production was in direct correlation with the biological particulates of the studied varieties of the blackberry.