This work presents the results of investigations in the frame state testing the products for phytosanitary use Lab 06–F, SE, Mirage 45 EC as fungicides on autumn barley crops during the period of vegetation of 2017-2018 ...
The experimental plot is placed in the orchard “Dacfruct” Ltd. founded in 2006 with trees of a „knip boom” canopy type. The research was conducted during the period of 2013 year. The study subject of the experience was ...
Viticulture and winemaking in Moldova has an important role in the national economy. These branches have an important share in the GDP. At this stage of viticulture and winemaking activity is regulated by Law of Vine and ...
The experimental plot is placed in the orchard “Codru-ST” Ltd. founded in 2000 year. The study subject of the experience was Florina apple variety grafted on M 9 rootstock. The distance of plantation is 4.0 x 1.0 m. The ...
The vines were grouped into three groups of vigour growth - poor growth, average growth, strong growth. We studied the indicators of productivity and quality of grapes in groups. As a result, subject to certain correlations ...
The experimental plot is placed in the orchard “Codru-ST” Ltd. near the village Paulesti, district of Calaras. There was established in summer of 2006 a plantation with annual trees. As objects of research served the apple ...
MANOLACHE, Mihail; POP, Tiberia Ioana; BABEȘ, Anca Cristina; FARCAȘ, Iulia-Alexandra; GODOROJA, Mariana; CĂLUGĂR, Ana Maria; GAL, Emese(2018)
Five monovarietal wines (Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rară Neagră from Republic of Moldova and Fetească Neagră from Romania) and two bivarietal wines (Codru and Vin Virgin also from Republic of Moldova) were submitted ...
In this article we are showing the correlation between soil composition and quantity and quality of vine. Between different combinations of studied factors, the correlation's coefficients are different, and the correlation ...
Corn is one of the major technical field crops in the Republic of Moldova, advantageous in bioecological and productive aspects, which is invaded annually by the harmful organisms with considerable parasitic impact. The ...
The wine sector of the Republic of Moldova is a strategic sector, also the main resource in the national budget At present, over 90 varieties of vines are accepted for cultivation, including 29 white wine varieties and 13 ...
The experimental plot it was placed in the orchard „Terra Vitis” Ltd. founded in 2010 year. The research was conducted during the period of 2017 year.The study subject of the experience was Vâstavocinaia and Noiabrskaia ...
The effectiveness of an abamectin formulation (Vertimec® EC) for the control of the carrot cyst nematode Heterodera carotae Jones was investigated in an in vitro hatching test. Abamectin is a mixture of macrocyclic lactones ...
The experiment was carried out in a commercial orchard “Codru - St” Ltd. founded in 2000 with bench-grafting. Apple trees of the varieties Golden Reinders and Idared growth on dwarfing M9 rootstock, the distance of plantation ...
Obiectul investigațiilor a constituit cultura caisului pe plan mondial şi naţional la nivel de suprafaţă recoltată, producţie globală, şi recolta medie de caise. Producţia comparativă de caise pe continente şi cele mai ...
In the same vineyard with the same variety, there are plants with different grouth vigour. There are more factors, which influence on the plant vigour - soil, variety particularities, ecological factors and growth technology. ...
The viticulture of Republic of Moldova has a growing trend of vineyard areas with table grapes varieties. This situation is influenced by more factors, including increasing the amount of grapes consumption. The consumer ...
The aim was to evaluate the influence of the Arapaho, Thornfree and Triple Crown varieties in condition of the Republic of Moldova on main phenophases of the development of the blackberries plants, quantity of fruits, their ...
This paper presents the leaf area was studied in the Gala Buckeye Simmons, Granny Smith, Red Velox, and Golden Delicious Reinders apple varieties, grafted on the M9 rootstock and aged 2-5 years. The inter-row spacing was ...