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Эффективность инсектицида на основе Teflub enzuron, 150 g/l, против вредителей сахарной свеклы

Show simple item record ПАНУЦА, Сергей КРОИТОРУ, Никита 2025-03-21T12:34:06Z 2025-03-21T12:34:06Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation ПАНУЦА, Сергей и Никита КРОИТОРУ. Эффективность инсектицида на основе Teflub enzuron, 150 g/l, против вредителей сахарной свеклы. In: Actual problems of zoology and parasitology: achievements and prospects: intern. symp., 13 oct. 2017, Chișinău. 2017, pp. 371-378. ISBN 978-9975-66-590-2. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-66-590-2
dc.description.abstract Sugar beet culture of the temperate zone, is cultivated mainly for the production of sugar, but can also be cultivated for animal feed. Currently, there are up to 400 species of insects and other animals that damage this culture, while about 40 are permanent and dangerous. In 2016, favorable meteorological conditions developed, which contributed to the development of 16 species of pests of sugar beet. During the period of research, the meadow moth and the beet miner moth, the number of which exceeded the economic threshold of damage, were most developed. The most effective in controlling pests of sugar beet is the chemical treatment of plants with insecticide Nomolt, SC with a rate of 1.0 l/ha, which reduces the number of Loxostege sticticalis 91,5-100,0%, and Gnorimoschema ocelatella 92,49 – 95,07% within 7-10 days after treatment. en_US
dc.language.iso ru en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject Beta vulgaris en_US
dc.subject сахарная свекла en_US
dc.subject вредители растений en_US
dc.subject борьба с вредными организмами en_US
dc.subject инсектициды en_US
dc.subject plant pests en_US
dc.subject pest control en_US
dc.subject insecticides en_US
dc.subject testing en_US
dc.title Эффективность инсектицида на основе Teflub enzuron, 150 g/l, против вредителей сахарной свеклы en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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