The autochthonous ZooBioR remedy is obtained from the biomass Spirulina platensis in the Republic of Moldova. In our study we focus on the influence of this remedy on laying hens, their metabolism and especially the liver. The scientific study was performed on 5 groups of birds (14 heads/lot), in 4 of which the food was supplemented with the ZooBioR remedy in different doses (5.0; 10.0; 15.0; 20.0 mg of active substance/kg feed). It has been established that the ZooBioR remedy is well tolerated by young hens and exhibits anti-stress and adaptive properties. The data shows that the tested product improves the health of laying hens in the first technological period of laying, contributes significantly to improving metabolic processes in the body, especially the protein metabolism in the liver (the dose considered as optimal for decreasing the hepatic tissue total protein, albumin and ALP levels, and increasing enzymes AST, G-GTP, G-6-PDH levels). The dynamics of egg production, as well as the evolution of body weight, in birds from the experimental groups, had better values in relation to the values of the control group.