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A comparative study on the characteristics of seeds and phytomass of new high-potential fodder and energy crops

Show simple item record CEREMPEI, Valerian ȚIȚEI, Victor VLĂDUȚ, Valentin MOICEANU, Georgiana 2025-02-05T18:02:02Z 2025-02-05T18:02:02Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation CEREMPEI, Valerian; Victor ȚIȚEI; Valentin VLĂDUȚ and Georgiana MOICEANU. A comparative study on the characteristics of seeds and phytomass of new high-potential fodder and energy crops. Agriculture. 2023, vol. 13, nr. 6, p. 1112. ISSN 2077-0472. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2077-0472
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this research is to capitalise on the potential of non-traditional plant species in the Republic of Moldova from the families Asteraceae (cup plant Silphium perfoliatum; cardoon Cynara cardunculus), Fabaceae (fodder galega Galega orientalis, sand sainfoin Onobrychis arenaria), Hydrophylaceae (phacelia Phacelia tanacetifolia), Malvaceae (curly mallow Malva crispa; Virginia mallow Sida hermaphrodita) and Poaceae (perennial sorghum Sorghum almum, pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum). The study presents the research results on the seed properties (dimensional parameters, structure, friability, apparent specific mass, mass of 1000 seeds) and on the phytomass quality of the above-mentioned plants. The obtained results demonstrate that the criterion of dimensional proportionality Kdp, proposed in this paper, effectively reflects the structure of the seeds; the seeds of new crops (except phacelia) have high friability (angle of repose α ≤ 33° and angle of static friction on steel α1 ≤ 27.8°, on wood α1 = 34.7°, on enamelled surface α1 = 30°). The natural fodder from the researched species is characterised by a crude protein content of 9.0–23.4%, dry matter digestibility of 56.0–66.5%, digestible energy load of 11.16–12.95 MJ kg−1, metabolizable energy of 9.16–10.63 MJ kg−1, net energy for lactation of 5.18–6.76 MJ kg−1, and relative feed value RFV = 74–129. The biochemical biomethane potential from studied vegetal substrates is 297–353 l kg−1 VS. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject biochemical methane en_US
dc.subject dimensions en_US
dc.subject friability en_US
dc.subject nutritive value en_US
dc.subject phytomass quality en_US
dc.subject seeds properties en_US
dc.title A comparative study on the characteristics of seeds and phytomass of new high-potential fodder and energy crops en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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