The experimental plot is placed in the orchard “Dacfruct” Ltd. founded in 2006 with trees of a „knip boom” canopy type. The research was conducted during the period of 2013 year. The study subject of the experience was Golden Reinders apple variety grafted on M 9. The distance of plantation is 3.5 x 1.2 m. To study Ca deficiency in the apple fruits were experimented the following variants of treatment: 1. Control – no treatment; 2. Alga Ca – 3,0 l/ha; 3. Alga Ca – 3,75 l/ha. The trees were sprayed 4 times. During the research, it was studied the amount and average of fruits, tree production, firmness of fruits, hydrolysis index. It was established that, Alga Ca may be included in the system to prevent calcium deficiency in apple fruits, the dose 3,75 l/ha, applied up to 4 times by treatment. First treatment performed starting with setting, and the next 3 treatments 15 days after previous.