The practical guide is intended for students from FCIM (Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics) and FET (Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications) where they study the Computer Networks course and aims to deepen their knowledge at seminars and for laboratory work.
The guide addresses the important aspects of computer networks to solve the specific problems of designing and managing network topologies, analyzing performance and implementing them on computer network structures. Examples are given in response to the design, analysis, configuration, and administration of equipment in simple or complex topologies. The guide contains the set of the most important and used commands to systematize the work for the design of the topology to be designed and configured.
The guide includes 37 examples of problems and tasks solved, the set of commands with description, 30 variants of topologies for checking comprehension.
Fişierul ataşat conţine: Prefaţă, Cuprins, Referinţe Bibliografice. Textul integral al publicaţiei poate fi accesat pe site-ul http://library.utm.md. Accesul prin logare este valabil pentru studenţi, masteranzi, doctoranzi şi cadre didactice UTM