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  • ROZORINOV, H. N.; CHICHIKALO, N. I. (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    The developed methodology of system modeling for prophylaxis monitoring of the state of human respiratory organs allows optimization of human listening means and means of spectral-time characteristics as a method for ...
  • ABDULRAQEB, A.R.; SUSHKOVA, L.T. (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    A great work in the field of medical imaging research was focused on brain tumors segmentation in the recent years [1]. In many Hospitals, brain tumor measurements are obtained by magnetic resonance images (MRI) radiologists, ...
  • EVTODIEV, Igor; CARAMAN, Iuliana; KANTSER, Valeriu; EVTODIEV, Silvia; GAȘIN, Petru; SPRINCEAN, Veaceslav; DMITROGLO, Liliana; ZASAVIȚCHI, Efim; UNTILA, Dumitru; CARAMAN, Mihail (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Compusul Ga2S3 aparține la clasa materialelor semiconductoare cu defecte structurale proprii. În rețeaua cristalină vacanțele reprezintă 1/3 din nodurile cationice. Acest material se cercetează intens ultimii ani datorită ...
  • BARANOV, Simion; GORCEAC, Leonid; CINIC, Boris (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    In this report we are represented the electro-physical properties of the photovoltaic cell with single relief junction fabricated on gallium arsenide substrate by HVPE method. This cell have the shunt resistance of 3.8 ...
  • CREŢU, Vasilii (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    Peliculele nanocristaline de CuO au fost sintetizate prin metoda chimică din soluţii (SCS). Proprietăţile morfologice şi chimice au fost investigate cu ajutorul microscopului electronic cu scanare (SEM) şi tehnica EDX. ...
  • COROLEVSCHI, B.; GUŢULEAC, L.; POSTOLACHI, I.; UNTILA, P. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Cunoașterea proprietăților fizice și chimice ale compușilor binari AIIIBV cu proprietăți de semiconductor este relevantă în proiectarea și dezvoltarea diferitelor dispozitive care promovează tehnologii noi. În ultimii ani, ...
  • CASIAN, A. I.; SANDULEAC, I. I. (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    In the last years it is observed an increasing application of thermoelectric biosensors in medicine. Thermoelectric sensors of infrared (IR) radiations are widely used for detection of radiations in special cases, in the ...
  • DONOS, Ala; ILIEV, Albina-Mihaela (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023)
    Acute diarrheal disease is one of the most current health problems of the baby. Rotaviral infection is the most common cause of dehydration in infants and young children. The implementation of the sentinel surveillance of ...
  • VOVC, V. I. (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Non - drug methods of treatment become increasingly popular. One effective method is a respiratory biofeedback. The effectiveness of this method is because the respiratory function in human organism has two contours of ...
  • LUPU, Maria (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    The long-term efforts of many research groups have led to the fact that by now a large number of different "learning rules" and architectures of neural networks, their hardware implementations and methods of using neural ...
  • ARNAUT, Oleg (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Trauma is considered as an epidemic and remains a major medical and socio-economical problem despite of major successes in pre- and intrahospital management.ALI/ARDS is one of the most important and frequent complication ...
  • RAILEAN, S.; ŞONTEA, V.; ABABII, N.; GLADIS, V.; VERJBITCHII, V.; BALAN, M.; VIȘANU, V.; RATA, V.; ROTARU, M.; BERNIC, V.; TRAPEZNICOV, P. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the widespread necessity for adequate personal protective equipment for healthcare providers, including during the aerosol-generating procedure of tracheal intubation. ...
  • MALACHI, Vitalie (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    În acest articol sunt descrise unele aspecte ale protecţiei bazelor de date în scopul asigurării securităţii informaţiilor valoroase stocate în baza de date a unui sistem informatic, fiind considerate teme de maximă ...
  • BULAI, Rodica; CUCU, Eugeniu (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Un atac man-in-the-middle (MITM) este un tip de atac cibernetic care permite unui actor rău intenționat să facă interceptarea, trimiterea și primirea datelor destinate pentru altcineva. Un atac MITM exploatează procesarea ...
  • SOKOL, Y. I.; KOLISNYK, K.; KOVAL, S.; PENKOVA, M. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The creation of specialized medical and diagnostic complexes for remote monitoring is currently identified as one of the promising areas of health care structure modernization. However, the efficiency of such complexes ...
  • FRATAVCHAN, Valerіi; FRATAVCHAN, Tonia; ABABII, Victor (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This article considers the method of clustering in the problems of pattern recognition when studying with a teacher in the case of n-dimensional numerical features. Clusters of linear and ellipsoidal forms that are optimal ...
  • PETROV, Diana (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    La momentul de faţă în domeniul conducerii un interes special este acordat nivelului moral a conducătorilor, specializaţi într-un domeniu sau altul. Orice conducător indiferent de domeniul de activitate, trebuie să posede ...
  • POSTICA, Vasile; CREŢU, Vasilii; LUPAN, Oleg (Technical University of Moldova, 2013)
    In this work is presented PSpice circuit models of hydrogen gas nanosensor using individual zinc oxide nanowire with fast response at room temperature and of an individual ZnO microwire-based ultraviolet (UV) photodetector. ...
    Hyperventilation is an important pathogenic factor in anxiety disorders as well as in affective disorders [1]. It seems to provide symptoms by its metabolic and anxiogenic effects. We evaluated the relationships between ...
  • DONIN, Gleb; KOZIK, Martin (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023)
    The main objective of the study was to analyze the clinical studies in SSED documents that are submitted to the FDA in the premarket approval process and compare it with the information in related peer-reviewed publications. ...

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