Hyperventilation is an important pathogenic factor in anxiety disorders as well as in affective disorders [1]. It seems to provide symptoms by its metabolic and anxiogenic effects. We evaluated the relationships between respiratory, heart rate variability and psychological traits in affective disorder patients and healthy subjects. We evaluated respiratory and electrocardiographic characteristics during voluntary hyperventilation test in 13 healthy subjects and 10 patients with affective disorders following the protocols: spontaneous breathing (Rest) -5 min followed by a voluntary hyperventilation at 20/min HV-3 min. Hyperventilation was performed at the controlled level of hypocapnia: end tidal CO2 (FETCO2) was maintained at 1 % below the individual spontaneous level. Respiratory plethysmograph Visuresp was used to record respiratory movements, Capnostream - to record PCO2 and PCO2 of exhaled air, ECG module - to record electrocardiographic trace. PID, Beck and Nijmegen inventories were used to evaluate psychological traits.