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  • GUTU, Maria (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This paper describes the design and implementation of the flipped classroom approach, adapted to the education system in the Republic of Moldova, which was applied in the “Spiru Haret” lyceum, Chisinau, the Republic of ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; BOSTAN, Viorel; SOCHIREANU, Anatol; CIOBANU, Oleg; CIOBANU, Radu; TRIFAN, Nicolae (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2009)
    Micro-hydropower station provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into mechanical or electrical energy without building barrages. Increased efficiency is provided by blades aerodynamic profile and their optimum ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion; GHERGHE, Adrian; DULGHERU, Valeriu; BOSTAN, Viorel; SOCHIREANU, Anatol; CIOBANU, Oleg; CIOBANU, Radu; TRIFAN, Nicolae; DICUSARĂ, Ion (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    Micro-hydropower station provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into mechanical or electrical energy without building barrages. Increased efficiency is provided by blades aerodynamic profile and their optimum ...
  • BOSTAN, I.; DULGHERU, V.; CARTOFEANU, V.; CIUPERCĂ, R.; CIOBANU (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    Floatable Micro-hydropower station helicoidal rotor provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into electrical energy. Increased efficiency is provided by helicoidal blades with aerodynamic profile in normal section.
  • ANDRIES, Tudor (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    FlowChart – este o diagrama care utilizeaza simboluri grafice pentru a descrie natura si fluxul pasilor intr-un proces. FlowChart-urile se utilizeaza atunci cind dorim sa imbunatatim un proces sau cind dorim sa creiem un ...
  • FURDUI, Alexandru; NIRCA, Adrian (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Ce reprezinta un flowchart, istoricul flowchartului , clasificarea si tipurile de flowchart, avantajele si dezavantajele folosirii flowchartului, exemple de flowchart, definirea simbolurilor unui flowchart, exempole tipurilor ...
  • FURDUI, Alexandru (Tehnica UTM, 2011)
    Activitatea intreprinderilor moderne este bazata pe optimizarea proceselor si imbunatatire a acestora, de aceea tot mai frecvent companiile moderne incearca si creeaza instrumente care le permit imbunatatirea proceselor, ...
  • BULGARU, Viorica (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Gelurile de amidon au o structură tridimensională, constituită în mare parte din macromolecule de amiloză și mai puțin de amilopectina. Proprietățile vîscoelastice ale gelurilor pot fi apreciate după curba de fluaj și ...
  • SIDORENKO, A. S.; TAGIROV, L. R.; ROSSOLENKO, A. N.; SIDOROV, N. S.; ZDRAVKOV, V. I.; RYAZANOV, V. V.; KLEMM, M.; HORN, S.; TIDECKS, R. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2002)
    According to the crystal structure of MgB2 and band structure calculations, quasi-two-dimensional (2D) boron planes are responsible for the superconductivity. We report on critical-field and resistance measurements of ...
  • IOVU, M.; ANDRIESH, A.; CULEAC, I. (National Institute of Optoelectronics, Romania, 2005)
    Chalcogenide glasses doped with various rare-earth ions are extensively studied as potential materials for fiber optic amplifiers operating at 1.3 and 1.5 µm telecommunication windows. The experimental results on optical ...
  • OSIPOVICH, V. S.; YASHIN, K. D.; DZIK, S. K.; BYKOV, A. A. (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    The development of nano-bio-information technologies for solving urgent problems of biomedical diagnostics: in particular, for imaging pathologically changed cells and tissues. Big Data technologies for this purpose is used.
  • MARUSIC, G.; SANDU, I.; MORARU, V.; FILOTE, C.; CIUFUDEAN, C.; BEŞLIU, V.; VASILACHE, V.; ŞTEFĂNESCU, B.; ŞEVCENCO, N. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    This paper deals with the problem of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of the process of fluoride dispersion in "river-type" systems. Navier Stokes equations are used in the form of Reynold’s equation, continuity ...
  • GĂRBĂLĂU, Nicolae; SIMONOV, Iurie; BOUROŞ, Polina; DESEATNIC, Alexandra; BOLOGA, Olga; COROPCEANU, Eduard; CONDRUC, Viorica; CLAPCO, Steliana (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală, 2005-08-31)
    Invenţia se referă la o clasă de compuşi coordinativi pe bază de cobalt şi dimetilglioximă, care pot să-şi găsească aplicare în calitate de biostimulatori şi catalizatori în diferite procese biotehnologice şi chimice. ...
  • KOCH, Thomas (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In this work the experimental investigation of the resistive transitions broadening for magnesium diboride films and their microstructure is reported. The MgB2 films were prepared by dc-magnetron sputtering. To explore the ...
  • AMBROS, Tudor; BURDUNIUC, Marcel; URSATII, Nicolae (Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania (AGIR), 2012)
    Fluxes and dispersion reactance of the frontal sides of asynchronous machine windings were determined by applying the finite element method. The obtained results had been compared with the application of FEMM program and ...
  • SAVCA, Denis; STAVILA, Grigore (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Prezentul articol are ca obiectiv studierea fluxurilor de lucru pentru combinarea datelor Lidar și fotogrammetrie.
  • MORARI, B.; SOLDATENCO, E.; TARAN, N.; SOLDATENCO, O.; STOLEICOVA, S.; TIBRIGAN, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2014)
    At formation of foaming properties are participating a whole range of a chemical compounds, content of which largely depends of grape variety, cultivation area, technology of sparkling wines production, etc.. Foaming ...
  • GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona (Academia de Științe a Moldovei, 2023)
    The fast is an important period in the life of Orthodox Christians. People are somehow trying to adapt to this period, and in order not to feel the lack of certain types of food so much, it is necessary to develop new ...
  • ZAHARCO, Silvia (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2013)
    This paper presents the study on the financial results modification of the agricultural enterprises depending on the agricultural production price and other important factors as: sales volume, sales structure, merchandise ...
  • MIHAILOV, Irina; BALAN, Valerian (Filiala (Secţia) Nord a Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, 2021)
    Species Synanthedon tipuliformis (Clerck, 1759), from ord. Lepidoptera, fam. Sesiidae, was observed on black currant plants in the points of Gîrbova, Ocnița District and Cocieri, Dubasari District in the Republic of Moldova. ...

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