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  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2013)
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2014)
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2014)
    Hyperventilation is an important pathogenic factor in anxiety disorders as well as in affective disorders [1]. It seems to provide symptoms by its metabolic and anxiogenic effects. We evaluated the relationships between ...
  • JIJIE, Dumitru-Tudor; MAXIM, Alexandru; ROMAN, Teodora; ROȘCOVAN, Mihail (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2021)
    Concern about energy in the European Union (EU) has been a recurrent issue from the very beginning. Though initially addressed at the state level, energy is now a shared competency as stressed by article 194 of the Treaty ...
  • KGOBE, France Khutso Lavhelani; MAMOKHERE, John (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The democratic transition on the African continent has been accompanied by problems of poor governance, poor administration, third terms and centralized power, electoral administration conundrums, and corruption. This paper ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Technical University of Moldova, 2019)
    This article investigates the new mechanism of higher education financing in the Republic of Moldova. This mechanism is based on the principle of differentiating the budgetary allocations according to the complexity of the ...
  • RAMLI, Mohamed; BOUTAYEBA, Faiçal; NEZAI, Azzeddine (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This paper examines the link between public investment in human capital and economic growth in Algeria over the period 1990 - 2017. To do so, public expenditures on education and health have been used to investigate their ...
  • BODYAN, G. C.; BODYAN, D. G.; SHESTAKOV, T. V. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010)
    RSA-like public-key cryptosystem that allows high-speed encryption and decryption is developed. The security of a system is based on the complexity of finding of irreducible polynomials over extended Galois fields.
  • BLASZKE, Małgorzata; RĄCKA, Izabela; NOWAK, Maciej; BUZU, Olga (Fundacja Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, 2019)
    Purpose: Defining possible ways to verify and evaluate voivodeship spatial development plans as key spatial policy tools at the voivodeship level. Methods: The content of all voivodeship spatial development plans was ...
  • Irina, ONOFREI (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The business world is characterised by fierce competition and in order to win new customers and retain the existing ones, the firms have to distinguish themselves from the competition. But they also need to create and ...
  • RACOVCENA, Irina; MORARU, Dumitru (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    This article is about public speaking in an academic environment, covering topics like overcoming anxiety when speaking in public, methods of preparing a speech, and different life improvement techniques for personal development.
  • MORARU, C. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In this study the author like to reveal the institution of expropriation contents for public use, the necessary legal procedures making the expropriation. One of the main objectives is: to analyze the degree of regulatory ...
  • CARAGHENOV, Nichita; CARTOFEANU, Cristian; MACRINICI, Daniel (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    This paper‘s main goal is to deliver an accurate image on the concepts of data security and cryptography, by presenting the theory and by developing the application of a fundamental public-key cryptosystem used nowadays, ...
  • GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana (Institutul de Cercetări Economice şi Sociale „Gheorghe Zane”, Iaşi, 2010)
    The article described the current problems of rural communities in Moldova in transition stage. The author examines rural management activities and determine its problems. Among the key problems is that the problem of rural ...
  • DONIN, Gleb; KOZIK, Martin (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023)
    The main objective of the study was to analyze the clinical studies in SSED documents that are submitted to the FDA in the premarket approval process and compare it with the information in related peer-reviewed publications. ...
  • POPOV, Lilia; ŢURCAN, Elena (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2014)
    În anul 1964 a fost înfiinţat Institutul Politehnic din Chişinău (IPC) – o nouă instituţie de importanţă majoră în pregătirea cadrelor inginereşti din Republica Moldova. La 28 aprilie 1993 IPC a fost reorganizat în ...
  • POPOVICI, Larisa (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Trăim într-o lume virtuală, într-un spaţiu fără delimitări geografice şi barierele culturale, unde timpul dictează progresul incredibil al omenirii. Apariţia Internetului a determinat transformări esenţiale în publicitate. ...
  • COJOCARI, Daniela; BEHTA, Emilia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    O problemă majoră care amenință industria alimentară este contaminarea cu microbi alimentari de origine umană care rezultă din manipularea și prelucrarea necorespunzătoare. Bacteriile gram-pozitive frecvent implicate în ...
  • PLEŞOIANU, F. A.; PLEŞOIANU, C. E.; CORCIOVĂ, C.; TINICĂ, G. (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    In this paper is described an innovative, easy to reuse heart assist device implying low production and maintenance costs, which needs minimally invasive techniques for the connection to the arterial system and that assists ...

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