Fascinating growth in the number of transistors on a chip in the microelectronics industry requires spectacular reduction of the transistor size. Due to governance of the laws of quantum solid-state nanophysics at nanometer level , nanoscale hardware components must show quantum behaviour. Since computers are built up from these electronic components, this leading to the concept of quantum computers. In this review we highlight recent developments which point the way to quantum computing on the basis solid state nanostructures. After introducing a set of basic requirements for any quantum computer proposal, we offer a brief summary of some of several theoretical proposals for solid-state quantum computers. There are many obstacles to building such a quantum device. We address these, and survey recent theoretical, and then experimental progress in the field.One of the major direction of research on the way to quantum computing is to exploit the spin (in addition to the orbital) degree of freedom of the electron, giving birth to the field of spintronics. Perhaps the most ambitious goal of spintronics is to realize complete control over the quantum mechanical nature of the relevant spins. Thus we will focus in the paper on the spin-based solid-state proposal for quantum computing. We address some semiconductor spintronics approach based on spin orbit coupling in semiconductor nanostructures.