As a result of the helmintologic protecting investigations at the autumn wheat, for the first time has been established fitoparasitar degree impact of the comparative indices of the number density (D.n.), on areas 340 – 1500 (individuals 100g/sol), with the abundance of 10 – 25 % in autumn, towords spring. Frequency indices (F,%) of the attack degree, (I,%) and extensiveness of the helmintologic affections have estimated more advanced values (5 – 27 %) in spring – summer time, different noted on areas. Has been determinated the structure of the fitonematodes parasites complexes in a total number of 2 species, including 8 families and 2 orders divided on areas, clasificated in accordance with the trofic specialization. With the predominance of endoparasites from the Pratylenchidae family, followed by the ectoparasites species from the Telotylenchidae, Criconematidae families, semiencoparasites from the Hoplolaimidae family.