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Investigations on invasive nematodes associated with complex insect pests from soil in corn in the environmental conditions of the Republic of Moldova

Show simple item record IURCU-STRĂISTARU, Elena SASANELLI, Nicola TODERAŞ, Ion BIVOL, Alexei MATICIUC, Vasile RUSU, Ştefan ANDONI, Cristina 2025-03-25T11:26:22Z 2025-03-25T11:26:22Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation IURCU-STRĂISTARU, Elena; Nicola SASANELLI; Ion TODERAŞ; Alexei BIVOL; Vasile MATICIUC; Stefan RUSU and Cristina ANDONI. Investigations on invasive nematodes associated with complex insect pests from soil in corn in the environmental conditions of the Republic of Moldova. In: Sustainable use and protection of animal world in the context of climate change: 10 International Conference of Zoologists, 16-17 September 2021. Chișinău, 2021, pp. 215-225. ISBN 978-9975-157-82-7. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-157-82-7
dc.description.abstract Corn is one of the major technical field crops in the Republic of Moldova, advantageous in bioecological and productive aspects, which is invaded annually by the harmful organisms with considerable parasitic impact. The phytosanitary control results, carried out annually and seasonally, comparatively in the corn plantations, notice a significant diversity of the specific diseases and of the invasive insects that seriously affect the plants from the germination phases until the harvest. In corn, were established the numerical density values (D. n.), comparative in different ecological areas, on average 15-280 (ex. /100 g soil), with an abundance by 5-25% higher in the autumn than in the spring. Phytoparasitic impact indices the frequency (F %) and intensity (I %) of the phytohelminthological disease level was estimated, being more advanced by 3-30% in the spring-summer period, observed differently depending on the area compared to the autumn period. The structure of parasitic phytonematode complexes was determined counting 20 species, included in 8 families and one order (Tylenchida), classified according to trophic specialization, with the predominance of endo-ectoparasites. It was established the diversity of the associated invasive insect species from the soil: 12 species, 8 families, 3 orders, also, with invasive ectoparasitic impact on corn plants, with the disease degree of 5-40%, detected in all phases of vegetation and sectors investigated. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject Zea mays en_US
dc.subject maize en_US
dc.subject pests of plants en_US
dc.subject plant nematodes en_US
dc.subject infestation en_US
dc.subject porumb en_US
dc.subject dăunători ai plantelor en_US
dc.subject nematode ale plantelor en_US
dc.subject infestare en_US
dc.subject Republica Moldova en_US
dc.title Investigations on invasive nematodes associated with complex insect pests from soil in corn in the environmental conditions of the Republic of Moldova en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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