Subsecția Design și Tehnologii în Textile


Recent Submissions

  • VIERIU, Mădălina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The art object is in an interdependent relationship with the physical space, integrating harmoniously into the surrounding environment. The integration of objects implies an agreement with certain environmental criteria, ...
  • TERESCHENKO, Olga; CHUPRINA, Nataliia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    One of the most relevant features of today's ethno-aesthetics is the appeal to nature, the search for new ideas, decorative solutions. Special importance in modern ethnic fashion is given to the use of handicrafts. Ukrainian ...
  • OVAKIMIAN, Laura (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The phenomenon of personal self-presentation is widely used in both the business environment and in everyday private life. A person has a certain idea of his or her own self-presentation, which he or she relies on when ...
  • LIU, Ang; CHUPRINA, Nataliia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Rural tourism constitutes a key path to sustainable rural development. After studying the characteristics of cultural derivatives and the design of rural tourism souvenirs, based on the theory of phenomenology, a mechanism ...
  • STELMAKH, Anastasiia; MYKHAILIUK, Victoriia; REMENIEVA, Tetiana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The study proves the relevance of the use of prints in the decoration of fabrics and decor. It is revealed that the folklore motifs of many patterns are always in fashion and are closely related to the visual culture of ...
  • KOSTOCHKA, Anna; KIZAYEVA, Nataliia; VYSOTSKA, Victoriia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The paper presents a study of avant-garde and futurism as a historical period in influencing the development of art and design of modern costumes by the desire to offer new forms, materials, colors, textures, prints, ...
  • REMENIEVA, Tetiana; LUTSKER, Tetiana; STRUMINSKA, Tetiana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The paper presents a study of the influence of materials on the creation of design products of modern forms. It is proved that the properties of materials significantly affect the shaping of products, so the search and ...
  • MAMCHENKO, Yana; FROLOV, Ivan; NAVOLSKA, Liliia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The article deals with the aesthetics of men's clothing form of the ХІV-ХІХ centuries as a result of the revolutionary change in men's fashion in shaping and decor. The genesis of formative processes in the design of men's ...
  • KUZMENKO, Volodymyr; MAMCHENKO, Yana; VESELA, Yuliia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The research has shown that the current development of face mask design using 3D scanners indicates the high potential and prospects of this technology for improving the quality of life, health, safety and comfort of people ...
  • HTYRSAI, Sofiia; SLITYUK, Olena (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The technology of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is revolutionizing the digital art market, creating new opportunities for artists and collectors. Its impact lies in increasing accessibility and ownership of art, as well as ...
  • KAPTIUROVA, Dariia; CHERTENKO, Liliia; BONDAR, Olexander (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    In our times, the use of additive technologies has become very popular because of the ability to customize products, speed of manufacturing, save costs in production, simplify product development and launch into production, ...
  • LlN, Yifeng; GERASYMENKO, Olena (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The work examines the use of composition and color in the design of children's picture books, as well as how these visual elements meet the cognitive needs of children and contribute to their emotional development. A ...
  • PYLYPENKO, Yuliana; CHABAN, Pavlo (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The study is devoted to combining ethnic motifs with stylish design and psychological comfort of modern children's products in the Ukrainian fashion industry. The color scheme is the project's character, a national resource, ...
  • HASANOVA, Diana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The issue of recycling waste from the fashion industry is becoming more and more important. The article describes the methods of upcycling and recycling goods in the fashion industry. It considers various types of creative ...
  • MOVCHANIUK, Anastasiia; MYTSA, Viktoriia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Artificial intelligence in the fashion industry has great potential to improve production efficiency, create personalized offers, introduce more sustainable production, and reduce negative environmental impact. Thanks to ...
  • SERBIN, Olehoslav; PASHKEVICH, Kalina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    The work presents the results of the analysis of changes in the designer clothes of the leading Fashion houses. External and structural changes that have been observed over the past few years were taken into account. The ...
  • REABENCHI, Eugen (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Noua era digitală a provocat omenirea să găsească noi măsuri de depășire a crizei și a celei ecologice inclusiv. Industria modei preia conducerea printre cele mai periculoase industrii, ceea ce încurajează creatorii de ...
  • ПАПУШИН, Роман (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    В статье представлены результаты теоретико-практического исследования в области разработки униформы, т.е. специальной одежды, для заключенных. Данная проблема не нова, так как сама идея создания специальной формы для ...
  • BÎTA, Vitalia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Uniforma școlară transformabilă reprezintă o inovație în domeniul vestimentației pentru elevi, oferind o soluție versatilă din punct de vedere estetic şi economic. Proiectul realizat a pus accent pe analiza uniformelor ...
  • SOLOTCHI, Nina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Actualmente fabricarea produselor vestimentare nu prezintă o problemă, preocuparea majoră a producătorilor fiind comercializarea acestora. Din multitudinea de oferte clientul alege în cele din urmă produsul pentru care ...

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