Invenţia se referă la medicina veterinară, în special la tratamentul inflamaţiei purulente a pieii copitelor la vaci. Metoda include tratamentul mecanic şi chirurgical al defectului patologic la copită, îndepărtarea cornului exfoliat şi a ţesuturilor necrotice, urmată de tratarea cu soluţii antiseptice, uscarea prin tamponare şi aplicarea a 4 bandaje suprapuse impregnate cu compuşi cu conţinut de argint, cupru, zinc şi fier, totodată bandajele se aplică pe plagă o dată la fiecare 3...5 zile, timp de 15...17 zile.
The invention relates to veterinary medicine, in particular to the treatment of purulent inflammation of the bovine hooves skin. The method includes the mechanical and surgical treatment of pathological defect in the hoof, the removal of the exfoliated and the necrotic tissue, flowed by treatment with antiseptic solutions, the drying by buffering and the application 4 overlapping bandages impregnated with compounds containing silver, copper, zinc and iron, at the same time, the bandages are applied to the wound once every 3 to 5 days, for 15 to 17 days.