Adaptive clothing is designed to meet the specific needs of carrier groups, and through artistic, constructive and technological solutions it is perfectly suited to the anthropomorphological characteristics of the wearer and the conditions of use by facilitating the process of dressingundressing and wearing the required medical care procedures. The proposed solution is part of strategies to increase the efforts of medical institutions and parents to increase the chances of survival and rehabilitation of preterm babies. Adaptive clothing products for premature babies also provide psychological and moral support to parents through the child's outwardly groomed look, by the use of dimensionally and morphologically adapted products.
Îmbrăcămintea adaptivă este proiectată în corespondență cu cerințele specifice ale grupurilor de purtători, iar prin soluțiile artistice, constructive și tehnologice este perfect adaptată caracteristicilor antropomorfologice ale purtătorului și condițiilor de utilizare prin facilitarea procesului de îmbrăcare-dezbrăcare și purtare, a procedurilor de îngrijiri medicale necesare.