Browsing 2023 by Subject "heterostructures"

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  • LUPAN, Cristian; BÎRNAZ, Adrian; BUZDUGAN, Artur; MAGARIU, Nicolae; LUPAN, Oleg (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023)
    A study of the influence of gamma radiation on the electrical and sensing properties of ZnO/Al2O3 core@shell heterostructure has been carried out in this work. Using as radiation source Cs-137, a low level of ionizing ...
  • ÚJFALUSSY, Balázs; CSIRE, Gábor; NYÁRI, Bendegúz (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Superconductivity is the state of matter in which the electronic wave function spontaneously takes on a definite complex phase. The most fundamental ingredient in the theoretical description of this phenomenon is the ...

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