Transportul public constituie un element esent,ial pentru majoritatea populat,iei din ˆıntreaga lume.
Indiferent de vaˆrsta˘, ocupat,ie sau stare materiala˘, zilnic oamenii au nevoie de o modalitate de transport
pe care se pot baza ˆın orice moment, respectiv sistemul de transport public trebuie sa˘ fie organizat pentru a
satisface cererea. De asemenea, utilizatorii au nevoie de surse de informare caˆt mai actuale s, i relevante,
pentru a putea lua decizii cu privire la transport. Deseori pentru acelas,
i traseu pot exista multiple variante de
a alege mijloace de transport public, prin urmare, daca˘ utilizatorii ar avea informat,ie necesara˘ la momentul
oportun, pot astfel lua o decizie optima˘ ˆın baza opt,iunilor de transport valabile.
Public transport is an essential element for most people around the world. Regardless of age, oc cupation or financial status, people need a mode of transport on which they can rely at any time, ie the
public transport system must be organized to meet demand. Users also need the most up-to-date and rele vant sources of information to be able to make transport decisions. There can often be multiple options for
choosing public transport for the same route, so if users have the necessary information at the right time,
they can make an optimal decision based on the available transport options.