Conferințe: Recent submissions

  • CRISTOFOR, Teodora-Camelia; CANTEMIR, Lorin; BALTAG, Octavian (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Born in Iasi in 1863, engineer Dumitru Vasescu is the first Romanian who designed and produced the first Romanian steam car, characterized as “the most perfect car of that time”. Vasescu built the vehicle in Paris and ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    This work contemplates on the evolution of engineering sciences development in the Republic of Moldova in the postwar period. The author emphasizes the place and role of engineering sciences at different stages reflected ...
  • DINCĂ, Florin Daniel (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    He who is interested in the instrumental symbolism in Dorin Tudoran’s poetry will conclude that the boat must be regarded as representing the third symbolical pivot, the first two trans-symbols being the bird with its ...
  • DINCESCU, Ştefan (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    The poetical ego, by means of the masks it uses (the knight, Manole, Faust, Lot and Job, etc.), is linked at the levels of an exemplary being. The panoply of the creative ego’s masks is set in order after the alchemist’s, ...
  • IURCOVSCHI, Cosmin Tudor; SANDU, Ion; PELIN, Vasile; TĂNASĂ, Ovidiu Petru; PADURARU, Marius (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    The large number of studies in this field demonstrates the contribution that materials science and tehnnology have to the valorization of wood artifacts or which contains wood in their structural components. This being ...
  • COLBU, Dumitru-Eugen; PRUTEANU, Silvea; IURCOVSCHI, Cosmin Tudor; SANDU, Ion; VASILACHE, Viorica (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    In order to protect and conserve in time the cultural and artistic heritage there is the need of complex preservation, restoration, and exhibition activities. This article presents modern procedures of cleaning the ...
  • RUSU, Antonina (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    This article explores aspects of the aesthetics of the traditional Romanian ia (traditional women’s blouse), as well as ways of preserving its value and legacy. The ia, one of the most important elements of Romanian ...
  • CLIT, Costin (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Is located at the head of Ciocăneşti Valley, the former Falciu county, currently Vaslui county, Bursuci hermitage dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul was build by Gabriel Costachi, the governer of the Lower Lands, before ...
  • PĂDURARU, Marius; POTOLINCĂ, Daniel; TĂNASĂ, Ovidiu P.; IURCOVSCHI, Cosmin Tudor; VASILACHE, Viorica; SANDU, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Military conflicts in the last period, such as those from the border European Union (UE) have led to increased risks in the use of forged or counterfeit travel documents. If until the appearance of these conflicts, the ...
  • MANEA (AMARIEI), Cristiana; SANDU, Ion; SÎRBU, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    As time passes by, the field of scientific research in archaeometry that used to be limited to the quantitative characterisation of archaeological material through the use of physical and chemical methods, microbiological, ...
  • DIACONU, Andrei (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    This paper is an attempt to determine the origin of many words from Romanian by separation of common roots. Based on morphological analysis of Romanian languages can be found miraculous key that opens the way to solve ...
  • STOICA, Alena; APOSTOL, Daniel (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Ce este comunicarea nonverbală? Putem gasi o definitie exactă a ei? Din păcate nu putem vorbi doar de o singură definiție a ei. Comunicarea unor mesaje, fără a utiliza cuvinte, prin limbajul trupului, care este în general ...
  • ANTONOVICI, Tatiana (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    It was 106 AD. Three roman legions lead by Trajan, the 13th Emperor of the Roman Empire, are marching towards Sarmisegetuza Regia, the Dacian capital. Their goal is to conquer the Dacia by defeating Decebalus "The Brave", ...
  • UNGUREANU, Viorel (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    The Sinaia plates contain many stories about the gets from Istro-Danube area. They were qualified builder of warrior ships which was used on Danube but also on the inner river. In the paper are presented some evens and ...
  • CANTEMIR, Lorin; BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; DOROGAN, Valerian; PUIU, Vasile; MANOLI, Ilie; CARTOFEANU, Vasile; ZAPOROJAN, Sergiu; STRATAN, Zinaida; TUN, Mihai (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Studiul artefactelor are un pronunţat caracter multidisciplinar şi conţine diverse probleme de ordin ingineresc. De aceea, implicarea specialiştilor din ştiinţele exacte cu metodele lor de studiu în descifrarea mai ...
  • PUIŞOR, Adrian (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Dacă acum 100 de ani ideea zborului cu echipaj uman era doar un vis, astăzi tehnologia ne propune super-avioanele viitorului, ce vor zbura cu viteze ameţitoare de mii de kilometri pe oră. Proiectele sunt extrem de îndrăzneţe, ...
  • DOBREF, Vasile; CANTEMIR, Lorin; POPOV, Petrică; MOCANU, Vlad (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The writing describes the matter`s evolution from the simple organic molecules to the cells that are able to reproduce. Therefore, water, earth and air assured conditions for the appearance, existence and evolution of the ...
  • CRISTOFOR, Teodora-Camelia; CANTEMIR, Lorin; BALTAG, Octavian (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Après avoir terminé ses études secondaires en 1879, le jeune Dimitrie Văsescu a fréquenté les cours préparatoires de l'école secondaire Saint‐Louis pendant un année (1881‐ 1882). Il est devenu étudiant de l'École Centrale ...
  • BOUTIUC, Maria; TANASA, Petru‐Ovidiu; NEGRU, Ioan‐Cristinel; VASILACHE, Viorica; SANDU, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Lucrarea va arăta rolul Arhivelor Naţionale, Serviciul Judeţean Iaşi (iniţial Arhivele Moldovei începând cu 1 ianuarie 1832) în păstrarea şi conservarea documentelor cu valoare istorică documentară, documente cu caracter ...
  • DOBREF, Vasile; LORIN, Cantemir; POPOV, Petrică; MOCANU, Vlad (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The writing, succinctly presents an evolution of the making of the navigation headlights, from the oldest times until the present. There are described the construction of the headlights, the utilised materials and some ...

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