Conferințe: Recent submissions

  • IACOB, Cristina Celia (Palatul Culturii, 2011)
    During the last decades of the 20th century, the economic development and globalization, the danger of marginalization and the one of the disappearance numerous communities were facing, as well as the gradual erosion of ...
  • LOZOVANU, Ecaterina (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    In this article are analyzed the possibilities of learning the world using Al. Einstein's cognitive strategy. The author emphasizes that the most important element of the Al. Einstein's cognitive strategy is – strategy ...
  • PĂVĂLOIU, Mariana; DREPTU, Ruxandra (Palatul Culturii, 2011)
    Dimitrie Ştiubei was born on the date of 30 august 1901, in the city of Bacău. At the age of 5 he saw for the first time the team and remained fascinated by it for the rest of his life. He served the sea as a marine officer ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Cartea este scrisă în baza unei serii de articole publicate de autor într-o perioadă deosebit de incertă de guvernare comunistă ajunsă la apogeul ei, când Voronin se considera veşnic, când presa electronică şi scrisă era ...
  • TEODORESCU, Alexandra; ANDREI, Ştefan (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Solving geometrical loci problems contributes to a rigorous, logical, elegant and concise thinking. Geometry, in general, leads to the development of imagination, creative sense of all students and, especially, the ...
  • MANOLEA, Gheorghe (Palatul Culturii, 2011)
    It is our pleasure to boast of the results of the family we belong to. Extrapolating the notion of family to the one of nation, one can make the same statement: we like to boast of a Romanian’s results no matter whether ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Românii basarabeni au urmat întotdeauna acestui îndemn. Poate acest nestăvilit dor de patrie ia făcut să reziste atâtor intemperii. Deznaţionalizaţi prin implantarea sub toate formele (inclusiv prin religie) a slavismului, ...
  • PUIŞORU, Adrian (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    This study presents the evolution of different ways of transportation based on two wheeled motor vehicles, from the moment they were invented until our days. Thus are presented electric kettler scooters, motorcycles, ...
  • ROMANCIUC, Elina (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    În lucrarea de faţă mi-am propus să abordez lungul drum parcurs de românii din provinciile istorice spre înfăptuirea visului de veacuri al tuturor românilor – Marea Unire de la 1918, evidenţiind rolul şi aportul ...
  • ANDREI, Ştefan (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    This paper describes a few calculus methods to automatically compute areas and volumes of vases similar to those from the Cucuteni culture. The paper starts by describing the empirical methods, followed by the direct ...
  • CIUPAN, Cornel; CIUPAN, Emilia (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    This paper summarizes the evolution of manufacturing equipment in chronological interconnection with human needs with technical knowledge and technological possibilities. This paper presents the first tools necessary to ...
  • DANILOV, Maria (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Bibliophilic patrimony of National Museum of Archeology and History of Moldova contains collections of old and rare books that reflect both the context of Bessarabian annexation by Russian Empire after Bucharest Peace ...
  • CONDURACHE, Gheorghe; CONDURACHE, Elena (Palatul Culturii, 2011)
    This paper presents some personal reflections of the authors regarding the influence of globalization on life and especially the mobility of our fellow citizens. Also, the authors investigate the problem of mobility by ...
  • VASILOS, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    The expansionist policy of territorial annexation promoted by the Great powers in southeastern Europe, common in eighteenth century, was continued in nineteenth century. In November 1806 started a new russo-turkish war, ...
  • GHERMAN, Gabriela; SANDU, Ion; VASILACHE, Viorica; SANDU, Andrei Victor (Palatul Culturii, 2011)
    In preservation of old and painted wood, before and after to put in opera, with the pourpose of prevention and control (stop) of degradation and deterioration evolutive effects we use a large range of procedures, mechanical, ...
  • CANTEMIR, Lorin; BĂRBÂNŢĂ, Constantin Ion; CANTEMIR, Elena; ANTONOVICI, Constantin; ANDREI, Ştefan (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    This paper presents the genesis and evolution of geometry [as a necessity of the civilisation that reached a certain level of progress], inspired by nature and used for a better understanding of it. The paper starts with ...
  • CARMEN, Marian; MIHULEAC, Ionela (Palatul Culturii, 2011)
    With the occasion of the archeological researches carried out in time in the sites of the Cucuteni civilization, there were discovered numerous ceramic fragments preserving impressions of certain textile materials. These ...
  • COTOROBAI, Victoria; COTOROBAI, Ioan-Cristian; SOFONEA, Liviu-Alexandru (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    În lucrare, autorii şi-au propus să prezinte evoluţia succintă a învăţământului tehnic din spaţiul Carpato-Danubiano-Pontic cu cu reperele notabile din spaţiul moldav, unde a fost iniţiat primul proiect cultural european ...
  • SOFONEA, Liviu-Alexandru; COTOROBAI, Victoria; COTOROBAI, Eduard (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    In this paper, a complex study with many dimensions ⎯ technical-technological, historical (historiographic, historiographic logic), military, social, political, epistemological, museological, Axio-logical ⎯ are considered ...
  • GRAUR, Evelina; MUNTEANU, Radu (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    This paper presents the steps taken to ensure the ilummination of the city of Cluj: with oil in 1827, based on gas in 1890 and finally the electrification project that began after 1904. There are rendered the steps taken ...

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