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  • CERNEI, Maria (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    În lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele elaborării unui sistem software inteligent de deservire a ascensoarelor, care permite detectarea persoanelor și numărului lor la fiecare etaj al ascensorului, identificarea persoanelor ...
  • GAPONCIC, Diana; FILIPESCU, Mihail; COTELNIC, Ecaterina; BUGAIAN, Pavel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The problem we want to approach in this paper is related to window blinds. Sometimes, when forgotten open, the light can disrupt the sleep in the morning or it can burn the plants by the window. Although there are already ...
  • PAJEWSKA-SZMYT, M.; GADZAŁA-KOPCIUCH, R.; SIDORENKO, A.; BUSZEWSKI, B. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020)
    This chapter provides a brief overview of the literature about the use of magnetic particles. Particularly for eco- and bioanalytics as a sorbents to sample preparation, which can be applied to wide variety of target ...
  • VÎRTOSU, Dan; SAVIȚCHI, Olivia; ȘCHIOPU, Cătălin; DEREVENCO, Serghei (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    In this paper, it is analyzed one of the main problems of our time, which is water pollution. Also, we will describe the first phases of development of a system used to monitor the water quality at a local level (we will ...
  • ABABII, Victor; AXENTE, Ion; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; MUNTEANU, Silvia; CĂRBUNE, Viorel (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The Smart system for planting agricultural crops is composed of the Electro-Mechanical system and the Hardware-Software system and is part of the field of Intelligent and Digital Agriculture.
  • BAERLE, Alexei; SAVCENCO, Alexandra; POPESCU, Liliana; TATAROV, Pavel (Alma Mater" Publishing House, Bacau, 2021)
    This work deals with obtaining of natural yellow food colorant from petals of Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.). Our goal is to improve safety and biological value of protein-reach foods using natural yellow colorants, ...
  • DANILA, Victoria; BALAN, Stela; CURTEZA, Antonela (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, 2020)
    The purpose of the study is the development of smart clothing, identifying and quantifying of vital parameters of a child during monitoring. These include establishing health status and providing immediate medical assistance.
  • MORARU, Vasile (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2011)
    The paper presents a reformulation of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) system associated nonlinear programming problem into an equivalent system of smooth equations. Classical Newton method is applied to solve the system of ...
  • DMITRIEV, S.; BRYNZARI, V.; KOROTCHENKOV, G. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2005)
    In this report we present results of investigation of influence of the parameters of SnO2 thin film on their gas sensitive properties. SnO2 films were deposited by spray pyrolysis method. The influence of technologic ...
  • DRAGOMAN, Mircea; BATIRI, Mihail; DINESCU, Adrian; CIOBANU, Vladimir; RUSU, Emil; DRAGOMAN, Daniela; TIGINYANU, Ion (AIP Publishing LLC, 2018)
    We demonstrate experimentally that a sample of a SnS2 layered semiconductor compound with the area of 1 cm2 and the thickness of 100 μm, contacted laterally by silver electrodes with the area of 1 mm2, acts naturally as a ...
  • PLĂMĂDEALĂ, Stela (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    Evenimentele globale, precum pandemia, au schimbat radical preferințele oamenilor în ceea ce privește locuința. S-a simțit nevoia de case, vile și căsuțe de vacanță. Cu toate acestea, o locuință nu va fi completă fără un ...
  • TANASE, Oleg (C.H. Beck Publishing House - Romania, 2015)
    The changes that occur in everyday life, as a natural evolution of things, concern either legal, political, bank or any other field, entail an objective change to rules and procedures of these areas specific to the social ...
  • JIMON, Ştefania Amalia; BALTEŞ, Nicolae; MUNTEAN, Neli (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 2019)
    The adequacy of a pension system, from the viewpoint of retired people, is given by the amount of the benefits and by the consumption smoothing. In this paper, we have made a comparative study regarding the consumption ...
  • BOBOC, Cristina; STRATAN, Alexandrina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Societățile de persoane reprezintă un pilon al dreptului afacerilor în general atât și în dezvoltarea economică în special ce ține de țara noastră la fel și în afara hotarelor ei. Luând în considerație diversele opinii ale ...
  • OMBUN, Greta (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Videoclipurile mențin un loc de frunte in industriile secolului în care ne aflăm. În timp ce o imagine ne transmite o informație, videoclipul are capacitatea să ne trezească un șir de emoții. Aceasta îl face să fie principalul ...
  • IROVAN, Marcela; TUTUNARU, Irina; FARIMA, Daniela; CIOCOIU, Mihai (Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2018)
    This paper presents a statistical processing program of the experimental data by a program a second degree central composite rotatable in order to obtain a mathematical model and the graphic representation thereof. The ...
  • PRODIUS, Cristian (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    This paper discusses software engineering best practices for developing secure and reliable applications. Presenting a comprehensive overview of the software development process and discuss the importance of incorporating ...
  • MARUSIC, Galina; SANDU, Ion; MORARU, Vasile; VASILACHE, Violeta; CREŢU, Ana-Monica; FILOTE, Constantin; CIUFUDEAN, Calin (Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare, Suceava, 2012)
    The paper discusses the problem of dynamic modeling of river-type systems using software packages. iThink, Simulink, Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) are analyzed. The research results are applied to modelling hydrodynamics ...
  • BOGUNOVIC, Igor (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The objective of this work was to assess the effect of land use and soil management practices on urban and peri - urban soils in Zagreb (Croatia). The soil properties studied were bulk density (BD), soil water content ...
  • BUZĂ, Corneliu (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    Dintre speciile pomicole, cireșul în ultimele decenii are o dezvoltare spectaculoasă datorită unui sortiment nou de soiuri de înaltă calitate și în special autofertile și a unor portaltoi de vigoare medie și mică. Sortimentul ...

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