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  • SMEU, Emil; PUSCAS, Niculae N.; POPESCU, Ion M.; SURUCEANU, Grigore I.; ISPASOIU, Radu G. (SPIE, 1998)
    Power stabilized DL's represent today convenient sources for radiometric applications, as transfer laboratory standards. Stability measurements were carried out and reported by other authors for different time intervals, ...
  • MUNTEANU, Silvia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2021)
    The JSON model gives a possibility to save the topology of the Membrane computing system to files, to organize the exchange of topologies between different applications and to realize dynamical processes in the topology thereof.
  • GUŢULEAC, Emilian; MOCANU, Mihai L.; ŢURCANU, Iurie (Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics, SRAIT, 2007)
    P-systems, also referred to as membrane systems, are a class of computing models inspired from the structure and functioning of living cells. Efforts have been made to simulate Psystems with Petri nets, most oriented to ...
  • ALHAZOV, Artiom; CIUBOTARU, Constantin; IVANOV, Sergiu; ROGOZHIN, Yurii (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2010)
    The focus of this paper is the family of languages generated by transitional non-cooperative P systems without further ingredients. This family can also be defined by so-called time yields of derivation trees of context-free ...
  • TIGINYANU, Ion; POPA, Veaceslav; STEVENS-KALCEFF, Marion A. (ELSEVIER, 2011)
    We propose a method of direct visualization of the spatial nanoarchitecture of dislocation networks which is based on etching away the regions with low density of structural defects from the bulk of GaN epilayers, keeping ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion; TIGHINEANU, Ion; TRONCIU, Vasile (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2013)
    Fizician, domeniul ştiinţific: fizica semiconductorilor şi a dielectricilor, ficroelectronica, dispozitive semiconductoare şi microelectronice, nanotehnologii, senzori. Doctor habilitat în ştiinţe fi zico-matematice (1978), ...
  • СКУРТУ, Николай (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    В данной статье представлены общие представления о методике кэширования, применяемой для баз данных, на примере одной из систем – Memcached. Поскольку Memcached – это относительно простая, долго существующая и устоявшаяся ...
    We fabricated a nanolayered hybrid superconductor-ferromagnet spin-valve structure, the resistive state of which depends on the preceding magnetic field polarity. The effect is based on a strong exchange bias (about -2 ...
  • DRAGOMAN, Mircea; TIGINYANU, Ion; DRAGOMAN, Daniela; BRANISTE, Tudor; CIOBANU, Vladimir (IOP Publishing, 2016)
    We show that ultrathin GaN membranes, with a thickness of 15 nm and planar dimensions of 12 × 184 μm2, act as memristive devices. The memristive behavior is due to the migration of the negatively-charged deep traps, which ...
  • OSIPOVICH, V. S.; YASHIN, K. D.; SONTEA, V. P. (Издательство "Новые технологии", 2015)
    A concept was developed of a device for express diagnostics of human diseases in home conditions. The device consists of a laser for excitation of the fluorescence of markers (nanoparticles); a photodetector for recording ...
  • COȘCIUC, Alexandrina (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Mentalitatea este fenomenul rațional, ce structurează algoritmul nostru individual de analiză, percepere și asimilare a realității. Ca concept global, structura mentalității include, atât mentalitatea individuală a ...
  • ORHEI, Silvia; APOSTOL, Daniel (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Dans cet ouvrage nous présentons un bref historique concernant la maintenance des automoteurs et des rames électriques CFR. Nous présentons l’activité de maintenance pour ces véhicules en Roumanie.
  • GOGOI, Elena; DANDARA, Otilia (Centrul Educaţional Pro Didactica, 2023)
    Scopul acestui studiu vizează investigarea mentoratului în calitate de mecanism de îmbunătățire a competențelor profesionale ale cadrelor didactice din învățământul superior ingineresc. Prin implementarea mentoratului în ...
  • BRANISTE, Tudor; COBZAC, Vitalie; ABABII, Polina; PLESCO, Irina; RAEVSCHI, Simion; DIDENCU, Alexandru; MANIUC, Mihail; NACU, Viorel; ABABII, Ion; TIGINYANU, Ion (ELSEVIER, 2020)
    In this paper, we report on spatial redistribution of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells loaded with magnetic nanoparticles under the influence of continuously applied magnetic field. Semiconductor nanoparticles were ...
  • ISCHIMJI, Ana; DANILA, Victoria (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2019)
    Lucrarea data are drept scop evidențierea principalelor aspecte ale meșteșugurilor de prelucrare a pieilor, analiza meșteșugarilor tradiționali din Republica Moldova și definirea conceptului de meșteșug tradițional. ...
  • PAUN, Iaroslav; PANAINTE, Gabriel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Metafizica este doctrina lui Aristotel despre cauzele și principiile ființei și cunoașterii, despre ceea ce este ființa adevărată în sine. Conform Metafizicii lui Aristotel, forma conferă obiectului o existență reală, iar ...
  • FRUNZE, Nina; BOLOCAN, Nistor; TONU, Nicolai (Moldova State University, 2023)
    The purpose of our research was to evaluate the efficiency of soil resources and microbial biodiversity through the use of elements of organic farming. Methods unrelated to the cultivation of microorganisms were used to ...
  • ZINICOVSCAIA, Inga; STURZA, Rodica; GURMEZA, Irina; VERGEL, Konstantin; GUNDORINA, Svetlana; DUCA, Gheorghe (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019)
    The content of major and trace elements in selected varieties of fruits (apple, plum, and grape) as well as in leaves and soils samples, collected in the Republic of Moldova, was determined using neutron activation analysis. ...
  • SERGENTU, V. V.; TIGINYANU, I. M.; URSAKI, V. V. (IOP Publishing, 2012)
    It is shown analytically that plasmon-mediated magnetic response can be realized at optical frequencies in nanostructured magnetized metallic ferromagnetics under certain restrictions on their electronic subsystem. According ...
  • TIGINYANU, Ion; MONAICO, Eduard; SERGENTU, Vladimir; TIRON, Andrei; URSAKI, Veaceslav (IOP Publishing, 2014)
    We report on fabrication of two-dimensional metallo-semiconductor networks by using pulsed electroplating of Pt inside electrochemically-prepared porous GaP layers with parallel pores possessing diameters in the micrometer ...

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