Inventii: Recent submissions

  • BALAN, Valerian; RUSSU, Stanislav; BUZĂ, Corneliu; ŞARBAN, Vasile (Agentia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuala a Republicii Moldova, 2024)
    Invenţia se referă la agricultură, în special la pomicultură, şi anume la un procedeu de formare a coroanei pomilor de cireş. Procedeul de formare a pomilor de cireş în forma de fus subţire ameliorat include tăierea pomilor ...
  • BALAN, Valerian; ŞARBAN, Vasilie; GUCI, Ivan (Agentia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuala a Republicii Moldova, 2019)
    Invenţia se referă la agricultură, în special, la pomicultură şi anume la un procedeu de altoire a pomilor cu ramură detaşată sub scoarţa terminală.
  • RUDI, Ludmila; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; CEPOI, Liliana; RUDIC, Valeriu; VALUŢA, Ana; DJUR, Svetlana; MISCU, Vera; IAȚCO, Iulia; ZOSIM, Liliana; ROTARI, Ion; TAŞCA, Valentina (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
    Processes for cultivating the red marine microalga Porphyridium cruentum are proposed to obtain biomass with a high omega-3 lipid content. According to procedures, microalga cultivation is carried out in nutrient media ...
  • MACARI, Vasile; CHISELIȚA, Oleg; ROTARU, Ana; CHISELIȚA, Natalia; EFREMOVA, Nadejda; MAȚENCU, Dmitrii (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
    The invention relates to animal husbandry, in particular to a method of increasing the productive potential of rabbit kits. The technical result is conditioned by the use of the biologically active microbial preparation ...
  • CORCIMARU, Serghei; GUȚUL, Tatiana; MERENIU, Lilia; SÎTNIC, Feodora; LUPU, Maria (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
    The invention aims at recycling low-density polyethylene (LDPE). It refers to a LDPE film destruction procedure consisting of 3 consecutive stages: (a) LDPE photooxidation by UV radiation, (b) LDPE treatment by a nanocomposite ...
  • CHISELIȚA, Natalia; CARAMAN, Mariana; CHISELIȚA, Oleg; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; MAȘNER, Oleg; PETCU, Igori (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
    A method of increasing the efficiency of the clostridiosis treatment of chickens is proposed, which includes the administration of the complex microbial preparation, in a proportion of 4% in the composition of the chicken ...
  • MONAICO, Elena; MONAICO, Eduard; URSAKI, Veaceslav; TIGINYANU, Ion (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
    A three-step process has been developed for the fabrication of hybrid nanostructures consisting of Ga2O3 nanowires array decorated with gold nanodots, addressing the issue of noble metal functionalization of oxide nanowire ...
  • LIXĂNDROIU, Cristina; PETRIŞOR, Alexandru-Ionuţ (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The methodology is designed as a part of urban and territorial development of big cities, sectoral policies and financial instruments, relying on processing land use data based on landscape values, requirements of GIS ...
  • ZINICOVSCAIA, Inga; PESHKOVA, Alexandra; CEPOI, Liliana; RUDI, Ludmila; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; YUSHIN, Nikita (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The application of metal nanoparticles in the industry and medicine results in their release into the environment which can have a negative impact on human health. The effects of gold (AuNPs) and copper (CuNPs) nanoparticles ...
  • ZINICOVSCAIA, Inga; CEPOI, Liliana; RUDI, Ludmila; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; GROZDOV, Dmitrii (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The uptake of gadolinium(III) (one of the most studied REEs), holmium(III), and erbium(III) (two less well-examined elements) by the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis was evaluated. According to the results of the neutron ...
    On the basis of the studies, new model formulations with the most effective properties were selected and developed, necessary to develop the optimal formulation for testing in the next steps under small plot production ...
  • FRUNZE, Nina (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    This innovation presents a digital lesson in the biological discipline Sciences (Knowledge of the World) for the 5th grade, it contains 20 files, thematically illustrated. It demonstrates the richness and variety of nature, ...
  • MAZUR, Mihail; BULGARU, Viorica; CELAC, Valentin; STURZA, Rodica; GHENDOV-MOŞANU, Aliona (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The invention refers to the food industry, namely to a method of manufacturing vegetable sponge cake based on the water for boiling legumes.
  • BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; BODNARIUC, Ion; SLOBODEANIUC, Stanislav; CIOBANU, Radu; CIOBANU, Oleg (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The invention relates to machine construction, in particular to precessional transmissions. The problem that the invention solves is to simplify construction, increase reliability by reducing dynamic loads and reducing the ...
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; BOSTAN, Ion; VACULENCO, Maxim (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The technical result is an increase in load-bearing capacity and mechanical efficiency, as well as a widening of the kinematic and functional possibilities.
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu; DUMITRESCU, Cătălin; DUMITRESCU, Liliana; RĂDOI, Radu; CRISTESCU, Corneliu; CIOBANU, Radu; CIOBANU, Oleg (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The invention relates to wind energy conversion systems, and in particular to multi-rotor wind systems.
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu; BOSTAN, Ion; BODNARIUC, Ion; CIOBANU, Radu; CIOBANU, Oleg (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The invention relates to mechanical engineering, in particular to additive technologies for the manufacture of gearwheels of planetary precessional transmissions.
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; VACULENCO, Maxim; BODNARIUC, Ion; CIOBANU, Radu; CIOBANU, Oleg; VENGHER, Dumitru (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The technical result of the invention consists of: Increasing the carrying capacity of the transmission by engaging the teeth in contacts with convex-concave geometry and the minimum difference in the curves of the mating ...
  • BALAN, Mihail; ŢISLINSCAIA, Natalia; VIŞANU, Vitali; MELENCIUC, Mihail; POPESCU, Victor; BALAN, Tatiana; BERNIC, Valentin; CAISÎM, Natalia (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The invention relates to the food industry, in particular to modular plants for drying fruits and vegetables, and can be used at food industry enterprises, in peasant farms engaged in growing orchards, as well as individually, ...
  • RUDI, Ludmila; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; CEPOI, Liliana; RUDIC, Valeriu; VALUȚA, Ana; DJUR, Svetlana; IAȚCO, Iulia; MISCU, Vera (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The invention refers to microalgae biotechnology and bionanotehnology, namely to a technology for cultivation of marine red microalga Porphyridium cruentum of technological interest in order to obtain the high lipid content ...

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