Browsing by Subject "knowledge"

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  • SOROCHIN, Serafima; SAVA, Lilia; MOROZAN, Pavel (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2018)
    The motivation of learning is vital for learning efficiency, motivation is the engine of our entire behavior, and so of learning. To know the score of results and errors mobilizes and guides the learner, increasing performance ...
  • MAFTEI, Vitalie (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    This article aims to highlight philosophical issues related to - the role and significance of philosophy, the relationship between philosophy and science, psychology, in defining philosophy from the point of view of the ...
  • TOPOREȚ, Valeria; IONEL, Veronica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2015)
    Philosophico-legal concepts have developed intensively in the 20th century. The continuity of previous philosophico-legal theories is clearly complemented by new ideas, additions, and the elaboration of a big range of new ...
  • STOENESCU, Constantin (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The knowledge based society developed the new technologies of information and communication in order to use better all the data at different levels and to manage them efficiently. Computers have the capacity to store ...
  • UNGUREANU, L. (Editura U.T.M., 2007)
    Articolul abordează subiectul caracterului cunoaşterii şi reprezentării cunoştinţelor în societatea informaţională în urma implantării noilor tehnologii intelectuale precum: ideografia, modelizarea matematică, limbajul ...
  • PRODAN, Tatiana; LAZU, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    This paper describes the theoretical overview of the question-answering systems and knowledge base and representation. Within a joint project with the Information Society Development Institute (ISDI), a question-answering ...
  • KOTLYAROV, Igor (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Knowledge-based civilizations are considered as new socio-philosophical phenomena, the complexity of conceptualizing their initial attitudes is shown. The article substantiates the need to develop a theory of civilizational ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2019)
    A knowledge-based society generates profound transformations fostering social and economic development to the point where this factor becomes the key element in producing added value, but also the overall prosperity of ...
  • BURLACU, Natalia; GROSU, Olga; BOSTAN, Marina (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chişinău, 2019)
    Actual, în educație, mai cu seamă în învățământul preuniversitar, predomină tendința de integrare a mai multor domenii științifice într-un singur conținutul curricular. Motivul avizat fiind acela că viața nu se împarte în ...
  • ALCAZ, Olga (Centrul Educaţional PRO DIDACTICA, 2016)
    Caracteristica esenţială a învăţămîntului centrat pe elev constă în plasarea în prim-planul procesului instructiv-educativ nu a materiei de studiu, ci a elevului. În învăţămîntul profesional tehnic, procesul învăţării ...
  • BURLACU, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2020)
    In the age of big data and machine learning the costs to turn the data into fuel for the algorithms is prohibitively high. Organizations that can train better models with fewer annotation efforts will have a competitive ...
  • BOGATU, Eugenia (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    The article discusses the social responsibility of scientists in the context of practical work. Knowledge has a major role, both in the development of an individual and of society as a whole. Today's society is a society ...
  • BOGATU, Eugenia (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Knowledge has a major role, both in the development of a person, but also of the whole society. Today's society is a society of knowledge. Knowledge cannot evolve separately from information. The quantity and quality of ...

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