Browsing by Author "MACARI, A."

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  • TATAROV, P.; IVANOVA, R.; MACARI, A. (Editura U.T.M., 2005)
    În lucrarea sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetării proprietăţilor antiradicale şi antioxidante a bioantioxidanţilor a unor specii de materii vegetale. S-a constatat o corelaţie satisfăcătoare între activitatea antioxidantă ...
  • MACARI, A.; NETREBA, N.; BOEȘTEAN, O.; SANDULACHI, E.; SANDU, Iu.; DIANU, I. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    Experimental research was performed in order to study the physico-chemical composition of sea buckthorn fruits of 8 new varieties R1, R2, R4, R5, L1, C6, AGG, AGA. It was found that the varieties tested differ in the content ...
  • MACARI, A.; NETREBA, N.; BOEȘTEAN, O.; SANDULACHI, E.; SANDU, Iu.; DIANU, I. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2021)
    Experimental research was performed in order to study the physico-chemical composition of sea buckthorn fruits of 8 new varieties R1, R2, R4, R5, L1, C6, AGG, AGA. It was found that the varieties tested differ in the content ...
  • TATAROV, P.; MACARI, A. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2013)
    Lucrarea este destinată studenţilor de la specialitatea 541.2. Tehnologia produselor alimentare, cu forma de învăţământ la zi şi cu frecvenţă redusă, pentru efectuarea lucrărilor de laborator la disciplina Bazele teoretice ...
  • CISTIUHIN, D. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    Scopul acestei lucrări a fost studierea influenței conservantului Frishita asupra indicatorilor organoleptici, microbiologici și fizico-chimici a semifabricatelor de tip mici și cârnăciori din carne de bovină și porc.
  • TATAROV, P.; MACARI, A. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2015)
    Recomandările metodice sunt destinate masteranzilor programului de masterat „Calitatea şi securitatea produselor alimentare” cu scopul stabilirii unor cerinţe exacte privind elaborarea şi susţinerea tezelor de masterat.
    This article presents a bibliographic and experimental study was to identify the fatty acid composition of oil and oilcake walnuts. The article presents a case study of quality indicators evolution: Atherogenic Index ...
  • MACARI, A.; TATAROV, P.; LAVRIC, T.; VLĂDICESCU, V. (Valahia University Press, 2009)
    The paper deals with the investigation of the antioxidant activity evolution and the biological active compounds in the preserved foodstuffs such as juice with pulp and fruit sources, vegetable pasts and vegetable juice. ...
  • COJOCARI, D.; STURZA, R.; RUDIC, V.; SANDULACHI, E.; MACARI, A.; BALAN, G.; GHENDOV-MOȘANU, A. (International Carotenoid Society, 2019)
    The purpose of this research was to investigate the antimicrobial properties of rosehip and hawthorn powders against pathogenic microorganisms, S. aureus ATCC 25923, Salmonella Abony ATCC 6017, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC ...
  • GURMEZA, I.; CUMPANICI, A.; MACARI, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    The study confirms that the treatment with SmartFresh (active ingredient 1- methylcyclopropene) of fresh apples stored in gastight rooms significantly delays the negative effects of ethylene, thus apples keep their firmness, ...
  • MACARI, A.; CIUMAC, J.; REŞITCA, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Experimental studies were conducted to test methods for bleaching nuts in shell. As bleaching agents used were sodium hypochlorite and sodium bicarbonate, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hipochlorit, hydrogen peroxide. It was ...
  • MACARI, A.; GRUMEZA, I.; CUȘMENCO, T. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    Lucrarea este elaborată pentru efectuarea lucrărilor de laborator la disciplina Principii şi metode de conservare a produselor alimentare pentru studenţii specialităţii 541.2. Tehnologia produselor alimentare cu forma ...
  • MACARI, A.; ILI, V.; BAERLE, A.; MARDAR, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    Mathematical Modeling was applied for study of raw-dried salami production process and quality. The influence of entrance factors as meat/lard ratio (X1), dextrose (X2) and dietary fiber (X3) was studied. Dynamics of such ...
  • MACARI, A.; LUNGU, L.; CARABAJAC, E. (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    This article represents an experimental and bibliographic scientific study of meat products for children nutrition with a low content of fat. With physical and chemical methods have been analyzed fat content in the raw ...
  • MARDAR, M.; ZNACHEK, R.; ZHYGUNOV, D.; MACARI, A.; USTENKO, I. (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    The article deals with the role of nutrition on human health and the main lines of development of food production for health purpose. The urgency of the development of the enriched food products based on spelt grain is ...
  • TĂRÎŢĂ, V.; MACARI, A.; CUMPANICI, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    During conditioning of the table grapes for marketing on the fresh market, produce waste is generated that could be used to produce juice. The process of grape juice clarification with bentonites was studied. Optimal doses ...
  • TĂRÎŢĂ, V.; MACARI, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    La condiţionarea strugurilor de masă soiul „Alb de Suruceni” pentru comercializare pe piaţa de desfacere internă, şi mai pronunţat cea externă, se formează refuzuri – struguri neconformi documentelor normative, din care ...
  • MACARI, A.; GRUMEZA, I.; CUȘMENCO, T. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    Методические указания предназначены для проведения лабораторных работ по дисциплине Принципы и методы консервирования пищевых продуктов для студентов специальности 541.2. Технология пищевых продуктов, студентов очной ...

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