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  • ŢAPOC, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) este istoric al ştiinţei, epistemolog şi filosof francez de la naşterea căruia se împlinesc anul acesta 125 de ani, prilej pentru a reactualiza viziunea sa asupra evoluţiei spiritului ştiinţific ...
  • MIRONOV, B.; MIRONOVA, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In practical experimental production both application of digital chips and other electronic circuits, it happens it is necessary to make their selection and classification on temporary parameters. The application of usual ...
  • MIRONOV, B.; MIRONOVA, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In practical experimental production both application of digital chips and other electronic circuits, it happens it is necessary to make their selection and classification on temporary parameters. The application of usual ...
  • BOCANCEA, Mihai; CROITOR, Lazăr (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Gavril Trotusan, one of the greatest boyars of Moldavia, from the first half of the 16th century, held high dignities during the reign of several waiwodes. In 1500, Stefan the Great and the Holy appoints him sword bearer, ...
  • GHERMAN, Cristina; ŞVEŢ, Olga; ARSENI, Lucia (Institutul de Energetică al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, 2012)
    În lucrarea dată a fost determinat costul singazului produs din paie şi chips-uri la diferite capacităţi ale gazificatorului, în condiţiile Republicii Moldova. Pentru acesta, au fost determinate ratele de creştere ale ...
  • BURLACU, Natalia (Bucharest University Press, 2019)
    The present material contains an analytical framework regarding the concept of algorithmic thinking (AT): semantics, the area of use, the training mode, the imperatives of developing and implementing of the cognitive skills ...
  • VASILOS, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Lucrarea de faţă prezintă reflecţiile filosofice în India antică. Sunt prezentate învăţăturile filosofice, izvoarele teoretice ale filosofiei indiene antice, problema genezei universului şi substanţa universală. Concepţia ...
  • BRAGA, Mihai (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    În articol se face încercarea de a demonstra că este puțin eficientă studierea Eu-lui personal doar din punct de vedere a relației lui cu socialul. Autorul susține punctul de vedere a filosofiei vechi orientale, care ...
  • VLASOVA, Alla (2019)
    Gândirea este cea mai puternică forţă de pe pământ. Acest articol se referă la importanţa gândirii pozitive pentru toţi acei, care nu-şi estimează corect potenţialul şi valoarea, care au stima de sine scăzută, cu neîncredere ...
  • Mesager Universitar (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2011)
    Î n mod tradiţional, în luna aprilie Catedra Ştiinţe Socioumane a UTM (șef – dl Mihai Braga) organizează Conferinţa ştiinţifică interuniversitară cu genericul „Ştiinţele socio-umanistice şi progresul tehnico-ştiinţific”.
  • MAZURU, Sergiu; VACULENCO, Maxim; SCATICAILOV, Serghei; BOSTAN, Ion (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2020)
    Invenţia se referă la tehnologia construcţiei de maşini, în special la prelucrarea roţilor dinţate. Procedeul de prelucrare a roţilor dinţate constă în aceea că sculei în formă de disc profilat la extremitate ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu; BOSTAN, Ion; CIOBANU, Radu; CIOBANU, Oleg (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2021)
    The manufacturing processes by additive process are performed as follows. By the additive manufacturing process traditionally with one or more additive heads successively, a prefabricated gear made of polymeric material ...
  • BULGARU, Viorica; POPESCU, Liliana; BULAT, Iulia (Technical University of Moldova, 2019)
    Ice cream is a highly complex food matrix that generally comprises a mixture of ingredients: air, water, milk fat, milk solids-not-fat, sweetener, stabilizer, emulsifier and flavoring agents. To improve the quality of ice ...
  • OPREA, D. (Editura U.T.M., 2010)
    The main mission of the energy sector is a balanced approach to energy security and other needs with regard to friendliness towards the environment and human safety. To be determined size greenhouse gas emissions are used ...
  • SUVEICĂ, Valentina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    In romantic relationships lovers form a merged identity that is an addition of the one they hold individually. They claim many benefits from such mergers at the individual and collective level, however, in asymmetric ...
  • GARBUZ, Nelli (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    This article explores manifestations of gender discriminiation in science and engineering in the past and how it affected the system in the present. Moreover, it explores reasons behind the low numbers of girls choosing ...
  • CHIPER, Andreea; MANOLE, Andreea (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    One important thing we want to portray in this article is that gender equality is critical to avoiding abuse against women. From the moment we are born, our given sex (male or female) shapes how we should be treated, what ...
  • BOGDANOVA, Svetlana (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Gender discrimination in modern conditions reveals the peculiarities of dominance of some social groups over others in economic and social spheres. As a consequence of the transition to a modern market economy, within the ...
  • RARU, Aliona; FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; IROVAN, Marcela; FARÎMA, Daniela (Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2020)
    This paperwork analyses the synthesis of literature regarding functional textiles. The actuality of the theme is determined by the overwhelming specialists' interest upon the solution to the problem of elaboration of new ...
  • BÎRCĂ, Anastasia (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    The results presented refer to the general aspects of the accounting organization. The purpose of the research is to present the general aspects of the accounting organization. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the ...

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