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  • Mesager Universitar (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2013)
    Decanul Facultăţii de Inginerie şi Management în Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii a UTM, dl Sergiu Andronic, conf. dr., le posedă pe amândouă: atât raţiune, care cere calcul şi analiză, deci calitate administrativă, ...
  • JOMIRU Vasile (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova, 2007-03-31)
    Invenţia se referă la aparatele de măsurat parametrii de mişcare a mijloacelor de transport la diagnosticarea sistemului de frânare. Decelerometrul conţine un corp (1) de care este fixată o masă inerţială (3), un segment ...
  • JOMIRU, Vasile (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova, 2007-03-31)
    Invenţia se referă la aparate de măsurat parametrii de mişcare a mijloacelor de transport la diagnosticarea sistemului de frânare. Decelerometrul conţine un corp (1), fixat pe o placă-suport (2), instalată în interiorul ...
  • UNGUREANU, Viorel (Palatul Culturii, 2011)
    Deceneu and Burebista ware a great personalities of our antic history. Coming from lower area of Siret river, Burebista extended his kingdom over Moleo Davo, where was, at that moment, great priest Deceneu. Tacking apologies, ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", 2014)
    In this article is investigated the process of elaboration of local government budgeting in terms of autonomy and fiscal decentralization. The new funding formula of territorial administrative units increase stimulus of ...
  • BRAGA, Vasili (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    This paper explores the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Society through the lens of Large Language Models focusing on the transformative potential of integrating these technologies. The paper on the role of Large ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Editura Independenţa economică, 2016)
    In this article the author analyses the process of decentralization and financial autonomy as a result of using the new methodology for drafting the local budgets based on formulas. The key element is researching the impact ...
  • TURCAN, Ana; BOROZAN, Olesea; ABABII, Victor; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; MUNTEANU, Silvia (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    In this paper are presented the results of research done in the system projecting and research for making informed decisions based on the collaborative Agents. The mathematical model used in this research had the goal to ...
  • BELDIGA (VASILACHE), Maria; CĂPĂŢÂNĂ, Gheorghe (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    In this article is described the structure and principle of operation of an intelligent decisions support system. System is intended to assist decision-making of processes by computer in management research in various ...
  • ABABII, V.; SUDACEVSCHI, V.; BRANISTE, R.; TURCAN, A.; MUNTEANU, S.; LEASCENCO, V. (Громадська Організація "Фундація Економічних Ініціатив", 2020)
    This paper addresses to specific issues of Multi-Agent systems for decision-making in complex processes. At the base of the Multi-Agent system is the notion of behavior that integrates the knowledge, strategies and target ...
  • LISNIC, Inga; SCROB, Sergiu; COJUHARI, Irina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The purpose of this article is to harmonize decision-making processes. The theory of decision-making is a totality of methods (mathematical, intuitive or otherwise) designed to find the best possible variants that allow ...
  • SAFONOV, Grenadine; ABABII, Victor; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    In this paper are presented the results of designing a decision-making system based on adaptive agents. In the design process, the agent's functional model and sequence of operations were developed to transform data, ...
  • DOBRE, Iuliana; BRAN, Mariana; VOICU, R. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2010)
    Rezultatele economice ale exploatărilor agricole depind în mare măsură largă de alegerea structurii producţiei. Ansamblul activităţilor agricole, proporţiile între ele şi partea fiecăreia în activitatea de exploatare pot ...
  • CIOBANU, Marin (University of Suceava, 2015)
    This paper examines the role of investment promotion agencies (IPA) and suggests a model of IPA for Moldova, based on the successful international experience. Creation and streamlining of national IPA activities in combination ...
  • GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2008)
    Procesul de analiză şi proiectare a structurii organizatorice presupune parcurgerea următoarelor etape: analiza obiectivelor întreprinderii; definirea activităţilor şi stabilirea conţinutului lor; proiectarea diviziilor, ...
  • TERTEA, Ana-Maria (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    The customs declaration is one of the most important customs procedures that contribute to the passage of goods and means of transport across the customs border of the Republic of Moldova. The importance of the customs ...
  • PLAMADEALA, Ana; CHEIANU-TUDOS, C. (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    De la mijlocul secolului al XVIII-lea, s-a născut civilizaţia modernă în Europa, care a cuprins apoi întreaga lume şi a schimbat-o.― Acestei Europe a culturii moderne şi a unei civilizaţii ştiinţifico-tehnice, pe care ea ...
  • CONSTANTINOVA, Carina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Buried deep inside nearly every cell of your body, tiny strands of DNA help determine who you are, how you look and explain in detail how to build and operate a human being. Over the last sixty years, scientists and ...
  • BRAGA, Mihai (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    Martin Heidegger evidenţiază în gândirea filosofică trei etape ale acesteia, gândirea ontică, adică gândirea obişnuită a vechilor greci, gândirea ontologică care este gândirea filosofică de la Platon şi Aristotel până la ...
  • SERBIN, Olehoslav; PASHKEVICH, Kalina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The paper presents the results of the analysis of the latest women's collections of leading fashion brands, such as: Dolce & Gabbana, Elie Saab, Georges Hobeika, Oscar de la Renta and others. The leading trends in clothing ...

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