UTM: Recent submissions

  • VOLOSATÎI, Carolina (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Mortgage lending is accompanied not only by the risk of default but also by the risk of deterioration, loss of value or reduction in the value of immovable property collateral. One of the main internationally recommended ...
  • ROTARU, Daria; MIHAILA, Svetlana; CODREAN, Violeta (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    The informational system of an entity is based on accounting information obtained from the accountants, which is transmitted to process financial analysts in order to obtain a new product: financial information. This allows ...
  • GHEORGHITA, Maria; CILOCI, Rafael (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This paper reflects some initiatives to implement the circular economy in the textile and clothing industry in the Republic of Moldova with a focus on recycling textile waste and identifying opportunities to increase the ...
  • ELBAHJAOUI, Maryam; ELABJANI, Abdelaziz; CILOCI, Rafael (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    The causes of failure of very small enterprises is a new field of research, especially in Morocco. Indeed, few studies have set out to study it, few studies have set themselves the objective of studying it. This article ...
  • CEBAN, Vadim; TONU, Valentin (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    For the reorganization of the gas distribution companies affiliated to JSC "Moldovagaz", a bibliographic study of the experience of foreign countries in this field was carried out, analyzing the production, financial and ...
  • MUKHLIS, Maulana; YULIANTI, Devi (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This research took place at Metro as one of the local governments in Lampung Province, Indonesia. There were some main visions of development in this region: education-based, family tourism, social economic-based, and ...
  • DÎNTU, Sergiu; ȘULETEA, Angela; BOTEZ, Alexei; JANDÎC, Tudor (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    The article addresses the problem of increasing the efficiency of studying the object of Engineering Graphics within the limits of the hours stipulated in the curriculum. The student receives at each practical lesson an ...
  • PORUBIN, Lilia; JECHIU, Ala (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    The aspect that mainly characterizes the literary process from the 90s of the last century is the intensification of the process of capitalization on the interwar literary heritage. Many writers are re-included in the ...
  • BEDIR, Ömer (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Dobruja, Moldavia and Wallachia remained under the Ottoman sovereignty for more than 400 years. Dobruja was inhabited mostly by Turks and Muslims, and was administered by Muslim-Turkish governors assigned directly from the ...
  • ISAYOMI, Abiodun Samuel; AKINTUNDE, Temitope Sade; OGUNLEYE, Akin George (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Engagement in informal economic activities serves as a survival strategy for underprivileged majority in developing economies with high level of corruption. Consequently, this study examined the main and interaction effects ...
  • DIXON-OGBECHI, Bolajoko; LADIPO, Patrick; AKINBODUN, Olubukola (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This study seeks to examine instant rebate coupon influence in online purchase intent with special reference to university students in Nigeria. Instant rebate coupon as a concept in online sales promotion signifies an ...
  • KHANMORADI, Saeed; ZARDOSHTIAN, Shirin; FATAHI, Shahram; DICKSON, Geoff (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Sport in all societies’ leads to a return on social capital. Many politicians use sports-based programs to reduce crime in society because sport plays an important role in the social development of societies. On the other ...
  • NTOBAKI, Paballo Patience; TLAPANA, Tshepo; MATLI, Cleopatra Moipone (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This study examined the influence of social media on Durban customers' purchasing decisions and the extent to which social media influences consumers' decision-making while buying products. The primary purpose of this study ...
  • BĂJENESCU, Titu-Marius I. (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Homosexuality is defined as a state of sexual attraction to an individual of the same sex. This behaviour does not only concern humans, but also all animal species on earth. But it is interesting to ask whether homosexuality ...
  • RAMLI, Mohamed; BOUTAYEBA, Faiçal; NEZAI, Azzeddine (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This paper examines the link between public investment in human capital and economic growth in Algeria over the period 1990 - 2017. To do so, public expenditures on education and health have been used to investigate their ...
  • CICLICCI, Vladimir; MERIACRI, Pavel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Proiectarea unui sistem cu microcontroler presupune, într-o primă fază, înțelegerea capabilităților de care dispune mașina de calcul folosită pentru implementarea logicii aplicației. Deoarece în timpul dezvoltării ...
  • CAZAC, Viorica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Notele de curs la disciplina Serigrafie sunt elaborate în conformitate cu exigenţele planului de învățământ al disciplinei și curriculei aprobate în cadrul Facultăţii Textile şi Poligrafie. Obiectivul general al ...
  • MARINA, Viorica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    În această lucrare sunt incluse Notele de curs ce țin de capitolul Forțe și tensiuni. Noțiunile fundamentale se definesc într o formă accesibilă modului actual de gândire și comunicare cu calculatorul. Se ține cont de ...
  • JDANOV, V.; ȘESTACOVA, T. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Ghidul pentru lucrări de laborator include un scurt material teoretic și sarcini practice privind studierea și proiectarea rețelelor de lucruri, sistemelor de control digital și sistemelor industriale de IoT bazate pe ...
  • ШЕСТАКОВА, Т. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    В учебном пособии представлены методы предварительной обработки одномерных, двумерных и многомерных экспериментальных данных. Описаны последовательные этапы статистической обработки экспериментальной информации о ...

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