UTM: Recent submissions

  • BOSTAN, I.; DULGHERU, V.; CIOBANU, R.; CIOBANU, O.; CIUPERCĂ, R. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The various energy conversion systems require multiplicators with high performances. The high multiplicity of the precessional gearing assures high bearing and small dimensions. This factor has allowed the elaboration of ...
  • ZAPOROJAN, S.; CALMÎCOV, I.; PLOTNIC, C. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The module permits data aquisition and storage, image segmentation and exctration of drop shape, determination of capilary parameters. The system assures video monitoring of microwires’ casting for the optimization of ...
  • ZAPOROJAN, S.; PAVEL, V.; CALMÎCOV, I. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The system permits controlling microwires’ quality at post fabrication phase. The measurement of coercitive force with values up to 100 A/m and the trend of diameter’s change in dynamic regime are assured.
  • DOROGAN, V.; VIERU, T.; VIERU, S.; SECRIERU, V.; MUNTEANU, E.; BALICA, Ş. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The system is elaborated for controlling oscillatory processes (in particular, for Focault Pendullum). It is manufactured basing on optoelectronic couples (laser diode - photoreceiver), synchronizing and compensation system ...
  • DOROGAN, V.; VIERU, T.; VIERU, S.; SECRIERU, V.; MUNTEANU, E.; BALICA, Ş. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The physiotherapy system is consisted of an electronic block based on one advanced microcontroller that assures the functionality of all elements, operating regimes’ state, data storage about patients and operating regime. ...
  • SYRBU, N. N.; DOROGAN, A. V.; STAMOV, I. G.; PARVAN, V. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    Time micro-relays and an optoelectronic switch based on Me-Ag3AsS3-Me(In), Ag2S-Ag3AsS3-Me(In) structures possesses the volt-ampere characteristics of S- and N-type. The Ag2S-Ag3AsS3-Me(In) structure can be used as ...
  • SYRBU, N.; DOROGAN, A.; STAMOV, I. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The spectral dependencies of refractive indexes n0, ne and Δn=n0-ne near the absorption boundary were determined basing on transparency spectra study of thin CuGaS2 single crystals at Е||с and Е¬с polarizations. The ...
  • NASTAS, Vitalie; NICOLAEV, Pavel (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The cycle of inventions presents: a circuit for measurement of impedance components by the method of simulated resonance, a impedancemeter on its basis and four converters of impedance with different features used as ...
  • TATAROV, Pavel; PALADI, Daniela (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The physico-chemical characteristics of jam, with reduced saccharine content, that influence the modification of biological value and finite products’ quality over time, were identified. The nutritive value of jam influenced ...
  • BOSTAN, I.; DULGHERU, V.; CARTOFEANU, V.; CIUPERCĂ, R.; CIOBANU (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    Floatable Micro-hydropower station helicoidal rotor provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into electrical energy. Increased efficiency is provided by helicoidal blades with aerodynamic profile in normal section.
  • BOSTAN, I.; DULGHERU, V.; BOSTAN, V.; DICUSARĂ, I.; CEBOTARI, V. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    The invention relates to the power plants without fuel burning and CO2 production, namely to plants for solar energy conversion with solar cells. The solar station include a photovoltaic panel and drive mechanism for ...
  • BOSTAN, I.; VIŞA, I.; DULGHERU, V.; CIUPERCĂ, R.; CRUDU, R.; GUŢU, M. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    Small wind speeds which are characteristic for the Republic of Moldova do not allow efficient utilization of the classical wind working elements. To increase the conversion efficiency of wind energy at speeds a new wind ...
  • BOSTAN, I.; GHEORGHE, A.; DULGHERU, V.; BOSTAN, V.; SOCHIREANU, A.; CIOBANU, O.; CIOBANU, R. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    Micro-hydropower station provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into mechanical or electrical energy without building barrages. Increased efficiency is provided by blades aerodynamic profile and their optimum ...
  • BOSTAN, I.; DULGHERU, V.; BOSTAN, V.; CIOBANU, O.; CIOBANU, R.; SOCHIREANU, A.; DICUSARĂ, I.; TRIFAN, N. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2010)
    Micro-hydropower station with vertical pintle provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into mechanical or electrical energy without building barrages. Increased efficiency is provided by blades aerodynamic profile ...
  • DOROGAN, V.; VIERU, S.; VIERU, T.; DOROGAN, A.; SECRIERU, V.; MUNTEANU, E.; BALICA, Ş.; KAPON, E.; SÎRBU, A. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    Optical gas detection module consists of vertical emitting laser diode (VCSEL), optical flux control photodiode, a thermoelectric cooler, thermo-resistor - all integrated in one chip. The gas chamber consists of a parallel ...
  • DOROGAN, V.; VIERU, S.; VIERU, T.; SECRIERU, V.; MUNTEANU, E.; BALICA, Ş. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    The monitoring and remote control system is an autonomous unit, which is powered from the accumulator. The electronic block collects signals from various sensors of humidity, gas, fire, breaking and transmits signals via ...
  • SÎRBU, N.; DOROGAN, A.; VIERU, T.; KAPON, E.; MEREUŢA, A. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    The study of luminescence, absorption and reflection spectra of In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs heterostructures with quantum wells was made for determining fundamental electronic states of polariton excitons in quantum wells. The ...
  • ZAPOROJAN, S.; CALMÎCOV, I.; PLOTNIC, C.; LARIN, V.; PAVEL, V. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    Unlike a conventional casting plant, the proposed system is based on the technologies of machine vision and assures video monitoring of microwires’ casting for the optimization of technological process. The realized control ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; TRIFAN, N. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    The invention relates to the workpiece surface strengthening by plastic deformation. The process for knurling the bevel wheel teeth with strengthening of their surface is carried out by several taper rollers of plastic ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion; IONESCU, Florin; DULGHERU, Valeriu; DICUSARĂ, Ion; BODNARIUC, Ion; COZMA, Ion (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    The inventions refers to the domain of processional transmissions and technology of its fabrication. To fabricate small and very small toothed wheels with convex-concave profile a practically new theory was elaborated using ...

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