UTM: Recent submissions

  • КРУЧИРЕСКУ, Д. Г. (Вятский Государственный университет, 2022)
    Использование органических отходов является особо важной экологической проблемой современного общества. Актуальна разработка и внедрение технологий, обеспечивающих низкий уровень выбросов парниковых газов. После нормировки ...
  • ROTARU, Ana (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the active biological product ZooBioR, obtained by modern technologies from the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis, on health and especially on the endotoxicosis ...
  • GOLUBI, Roman; IORGA, Eugen; BUCARCIUC, Victor; ARNĂUT, Svetlana; CRUCIRESCU, Diana (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală, 2018-10-31)
    Invenţia se referă la industria alimentară, şi anume la procedee de obţinere a acidifiantului din mere în forme naturală şi concentrată. Procedeul de obţinere a acidifiantului din mere, conform invenţiei, include recepţia ...
  • DIDORUC, Sergiu; DUMITRIU, Antonina (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The scientific analysis presented in this study aimed to determine the structural elements of the nervous system, which are the basis of the innervation of the genital organs in rabbits in the stages of postnatal ...
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; RABEI, Ivan; GUȚU, Marin; CIOBANU, Oleg; CIOBANU, Radu (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The wind turbine comprises a support tower, on the platform of which is installed a vertical rotating shaft, one end of which is connected to a generator with permanent magnets, and the other end, by means of levers is ...
  • BALAN, Ion; BALACCI, Sergiu; ROŞCA, Nicolae; BUZAN, Vladimir; FURDUI, Vlada; OSIPCIUC, Galina; MEREUŢĂ, Ion; CREȚU, Roman; BACU, Gheorghii; TURCANU, Parascovia (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Parental effects can influence offspring through mechanisms dependent and independent of genetic factors, including sperm. Sperm factors contribute to the modulation of offspring development through epigenetic modification ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu; ZAPOROJAN, Sergiu; LARIN, Vladimir; MANOLI, Ilie; MUNTEANU, Eugeniu; RABEI, Ivan; GUȚU, Marin; CIOBANU, Oleg; CIOBANU, Radu (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention relates to devices for converting wind energy into electrical energy, in particular, to methods and devices for monitoring the condition of wind turbines.
  • RUDI, Ludmila; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; CEPOI, Liliana; RUDIC, Valeriu; VALUȚA, Ana; DJUR, Svetlana; MISCU, Vera; IAȚCO, Iulia (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention relates to a proceeding for cultivating the red microalga of biotechnological interest Porphyridium cruentum, in order to obtain biomass with a high omega-3 lipid content.
  • EFREMOVA, Nadejda; CHISELIȚA, Natalia; BEŞLIU, Alina; CHISELIȚA, Oleg; TOFAN, Elena; RUDIC, Valeriu (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention refers to development of a process for obtaining the proteoglycan preparation with high content of sulfated polysaccharides.
  • CILOCI, Alexandra; DVORNINA, Elena; RUDIC, Valeriu; BULHAC, Ion; URECHE Dumitru, Dumitru; COCU, Maria (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention relates to biotechnology, namely to the submerged cultivation of Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing. CNMNFB-01 fungi strain, producer of biomass.
  • CILOCI, Alexandra; BULHAC, Ion; CLAPCO, Steliana; DANILESCU, Olga; DVORNINA, Elena; LABLIUC, Svetlana; MATROI, Alexandra; URECHE, Dumitru (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention relates to biotechnology, and in particular to a process for submerged cultivation of Rhizopus arrhizus CNMN FD 03 fungal strain, producer of lipases.
  • BÎRSA, Maxim; BURȚEVA, Svetlana; SÎRBU, Tamara; GARBUZNEAC, Anastasia; ȘEPTIȚCHII, Vladimir (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    Microbiological feed preparations are widely used in animal husbandry. These preparations include vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, lipid fractions, macro- and micro elements. They possess antioxidant, antibacterial, ...
  • BEŞLIU, Alina; CHISELIȚA, Natalia; CHISELIȚA, Oleg; EFREMOVA, Nadejda; TOFAN, Elena; RUDIC, Valeriu (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention relates to microbial biotechnologies, specifically to obtaining of new antioxidant extracts based on pigments from Arthrospira platensis cyanobacteria biomass, a residue from the production of the BioR remedy. ...
  • ROTARI, Liliana (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Taking into consideration the beneficial properties of the ZooBioR product, an autochthonuos remedy, acquired through modern technologies from Spirulina platensis, under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, the ...
  • BOISTEAN, Alina; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; RESITCA, Vladislav; STURZA, Rodica; DESEATNICOVA, Olga; CAPCANARI, Tatiana (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention relates to the food industry, namely to a process for obtaining non-alcoholic beverages based on natural components.
  • POPESCU, Victor; BALAN, Tatiana; ȚISLINSCAIA Natalia, Natalia; VIȘANU, Vitali; MELENCIUC, Mihail; SANDU, Andrei-Victor; ȚURCANU, Dinu; BALAN, Mihail; ȚĂRNĂ, Ruslan (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The invention relates to the food industry, namely to a method of drying sea buckthorn seeds. It can be applied to enterprises in the food industry, in laboratories and research centers related to drying processes.
  • ȘERBĂNESCU, Diana; CODREANU, Iuliana (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Dilated cardiomyopathy is frequently associated with a genetic predisposition in certain breeds of dogs and can also occur secondary to other diseases and nutritional deficiencies. Cardiac dilatation is the thinning of the ...
  • ABABII, Victor; AXENTE, Ion; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; MUNTEANU, Silvia; CĂRBUNE, Viorel (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2023)
    The Smart system for planting agricultural crops is composed of the Electro-Mechanical system and the Hardware-Software system and is part of the field of Intelligent and Digital Agriculture.
  • SÎRBU, Beatrice Ana-Maria; OPRESCU, Ion; HERMAN, Viorel; IMRE, Mirela; BADEA, Corina; SÎRBU, Cătălin Bogdan; FLOREA, Tiana; DĂRĂBUȘ, Gheorghe (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Animals products derived from their output are the main source of animal protein. They also play an important role in the country's economy. However, parasitism is a major problem limiting animal husbandry in most developing ...
  • PROCA, Andrei Claudiu; SOLCAN, Carmen (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Grape and berry polyphenols have antioxidant effect through their ability to rapidly reduce reactive oxygen or nitrogen species (ROS/RNS), which are produced in high amounts during the inflammatory phase of chronic ...

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