Natural honey for human consumption must meet the requirements of quality, food safety, presentation, storage and transport. Physicochemical indices of bee products: honey, wax and pollen, etc., can provide useful data on the presence of pollutants in the environment. The elements that make up honey can be divided into three groups: water, sugars, non-sugars. The chemical composition of honey varies depending on the honey plants, the intensity of harvesting, the weather, etc. Honey appreciation is made according to organoleptic indicators: color, consistency, taste and smell. In the present study, the physico- chemical indices of polyfloral honey and the presence of toxic elements were determined. The biological material was samples of polyfloral honey that was purchased from beekeepers in different areas of the Republic of Moldova: Southern, Central and Northern areas. The evaluation of the honey was performed at the Testing Laboratory of Animal Products from the Republican Veterinary Diagnostic Center. It was found out that the mass fraction of water in the investigated polyfloral honey constitutes, on average, 17.03%, of sucrose - 1.12 - 2.20g / 100g of honey, the content of oxymethylfurfurol (HMF) - 4.22 mg / kg, the total acidity - 1.98 milliequivalents per 100g, the presence of toxic elements is much lower than the permissible standards for this product and it is, on average 0.02 - 0.03 mg / kg.