Invenţia se referă la apicultură, în particular la un procedeu de creştere a albinelor. Procedeul include hrănirea albinelor cu sirop de zahăr de 50%, în care se introduce un aditiv furajer, care include tulpini de lacto- şi bifidobacterii in cantitate de 1106 UFC/g, precum şi, în % mas.: lactuloză până la 5, extract de drojdii până la 20, pectină până la 10, in cantitate de 50200 mg/L de sirop. Hrănirea se efectuează din calculul un litru de amestec la o familie de albine, seara, peste fiecare 1012 zile, incepand din primele zile ale lunii aprilie până la începutul culesului principal. Rezultatul invenţiei constă în creşterea puterii familiei de albine, a prolificităţii mătcilor, a numărului de puiet căpăcit şi în sporirea producţiei de miere. The invention relates to beekeeping, in particular to a process for raising bee colonies. The process comprises additional feeding of bees with 50% sugar syrup, in which is introduced a feed supplement, including lactoand bifidobacteria in a quantity of 1•106 CFU/g, and in mass %: lactulose up to 5, yeast extract up to 20, pectin up to 10, in a quantity of 50200 mg/L of syrup. Feeding is carried out at the rate of one liter of mixture to a bee colony in the evening, every 1012 days, starting from the first days of April up to the beginning of the main honey crop. The result of the invention is to increase the strength of bee colonies, prolificacy of bee females, the number of sealed brood and to increase honey productivity.
The invention relates to beekeeping, in particular to a process for raising bee colonies. The process comprises additional feeding of bees with 50% sugar syrup, in which is introduced a feed supplement, including lactoand bifidobacteria in a quantity of 1•106 CFU/g, and in mass %: lactulose up to 5, yeast extract up to 20, pectin up to 10, in a quantity of 50200 mg/L of syrup. Feeding is carried out at the rate of one liter of mixture to a bee colony in the evening, every 1012 days, starting from the first days of April up to the beginning of the main honey crop. The result of the invention is to increase the strength of bee colonies, prolificacy of bee females, the number of sealed brood and to increase honey productivity.