Different methods are used to grow scallion, including: direct sowing, transplanting seedlings and planting sets. In Moldova they are produced using the conventional method in soil. The investigation was done to study the productivity and quality ofsets in modular blades on different plant density. The investigation was held using 4 types of blades with: 80; 216; 228 and 240 cells per blade. In each cell it was sown 1; 3; 5; 7; 9 seeds. As a result it was identified that the cultivation of sets in blades insures a 40-85% higher yield comparing to the traditional method in soil. Also the plant density per blade directly affects the yield of sets. In blades with 240; 216 and 228 cells the highest yield was obtained at a density of 3-5 seeds per cell, in blades with 80 cells at a density of 5-9 seeds per cell