Browsing 2012 by Title

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  • IVANOVA, R.; TATAROV, P.; CASIAN, I. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The objective of this research was studying the stability of fruit extracts during storage at 5±1oC by determining in vitro their capacity to scavenge peroxyl radicals. The antioxidant capacity of obtained fruit extracts ...
  • MARTIROSYAN, V.; TOROSYAN, G.; SASUNTSYAN, M.; TOROSYAN, N. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    We developed an innovative technology for processing metal complex chromites Sevan to produce chromium metal in SHS regime. In this case, we studied the increased reactivity of chromite concentrates (for the content of 53% ...
  • GORNEŢ, V. (Editura U.T.M., 2012)
    Elaborarea reţetelor şi aprofundarea tehnologiei produselor din ficat în formă pentru două produse în condiţii industriale. Produsele din ficat în formă după finisarea procesului tehnologic au fost supuse unei analize de ...
  • VASCAN, G. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The goal of this paper is to address the performance requirements for constructions, in order to satisfy the needs of consumers for the whole life cycle of construction, in line with the social and economic requirements. ...
  • SANDULACHI, E.; GORNEŢ, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    This paper present the evaluation, based on bibliographic and experimental study of the nutritional value of meat and liver of bovines/porcinis. Was studied the chemical composition and nutritional value of raw materials.Nutrition ...
  • SECRIERU, V.; ZAPOROJAN, S.; DOROGAN, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The paper concentrates on the cost-performance analysis of embedded systems. Designers of embedded systems need to understand different chips, their capabilities, and their architectures before creating the design. Hardware ...
  • ANDRIUŢĂ, M.; BELEUŢA, V. (Editura U.T.M., 2012)
    Se prezintă rezultatele cercetărilor exercitate în scopul elaborării metodei operative de apreciere a săgeţii iniţiale de încovoiere a turnului macaralei. S-a analizat cazul prinderii turnului la edificiu cu două ancoraje.
  • GUŢU, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    This paper prezents a comparative analysis of selection devices signals by frequency, analog and digital, in terms of their own electronic noise. Pull a conclsion that numerical filters, providing a higher degree of ...
  • IOVE (MUSTEAŢĂ), V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The paper aims to present the perceptions held by the countries when they joined the Eastern Partnership along with the European Union and compare them to the actual results achieved during the three years of collaboration. ...
  • IGNAT, V. (Editura U.T.M., 2012)
    Prezenta lucrare este dedicată evaluării eficienţei economice a cheltuielilor perioadei în întreprinderile agricole în baza S.R.L. „Regis Agro”, raionul Făleşti. În acest context sunt analizate structura cheltuielilor ...
  • OPREA, D. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The Czech electricity market was fully liberalised on 1 January 2006, when the last remaining customer category, households, became eligible to choose their supplier. Average gas and electricity prices for all customer ...
  • PORCESCU, G. (Editura U.T.M., 2012)
    Energia devine din ce în ce mai scumpă, iar producția ei în baza tehnologiilor tradiționale accentuează dezastrul ecologic distrugând echilibrul climatic global. Tipurile predominante de energii regenerabile utilizate ...
  • LOZOVANU, E. (Editura U.T.M., 2012)
    Articolul este consacrat aniversării a 370 de ani de la naşterea marelui savant englez Isaac Newton. Sunt relevate aspectele conceptuale ale fizicii newtoniene. Autorul înfăptuieşte o reflecţie filosofică asupra unei noţiuni ...
  • GUŢU, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate stresses and strain in specimen of composite material used in wind turbine blade construction. In this experimental study, Polyester/ E-Glass composite plate was manufactured by ...
  • CROITOR, D.; SANDULACHI, E. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    This article presents a bibliographic study aimed at assessing the impact of various factors on quality indicators walnuts oil. Presents the quality indicators of walnuts oil oxidized and unoxidized obtained by different methods.
  • GUŢU, V. (Editura U.T.M., 2012)
    Lucrarea prezintă o analiză comparativă a dispozitivelor de selecţie a semnalelor prin frecvenţă, analogice şi numerice, din punctul de vedere al zgomotului electronic propriu. Se trage concluzia că filtrele numerice, ...
  • GUŢU, V. (Editura U.T.M., 2012)
    Lucrarea prezintă o analiză comparativă a dispozitivelor de selecţie a semnalelor prin frecvenţă, analogice şi numerice, din punctul de vedere al zgomotului electronic propriu. Se trage concluzia că filtrele numerice, ...
  • MARUSIC, G.; SANDU, I.; MORARU, V.; FILOTE, C.; CIUFUDEAN, C.; BEŞLIU, V.; VASILACHE, V.; ŞTEFĂNESCU, B.; ŞEVCENCO, N. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    This paper deals with the problem of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of the process of fluoride dispersion in "river-type" systems. Navier Stokes equations are used in the form of Reynold’s equation, continuity ...
  • GANEA, V.; COPĂCEANU, C. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    Different countries have different approaches to training methods medical system and its financing. In some countries, medical services are free for all, paid from state budget, fiscal revenues. In other states, has developed ...
  • BELCIN, O.; TURCU, I.; PUSTAN, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The present paper presents special category of couplings mechanical - intermittent - asynchronously - commanded. The movement transmission and the torsion moment is achieved through cylindrical roller that, hydraulically ...

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