According to the methods of famous scientists and researchers, there have been investigated pure and mixed forest crops of Picea excelza L. between the ages of 28-54 years on 9 permanent experimental plots of 0,20-0,25 ha throughout the Republic of Moldova. As a result of these investigations the authors concluded that in the Northern Forest-Steppe and the region Codru of the Republic of Moldova it is necessary to create the spruce-oak forest crops with a planting distance of 2.5 x 0, 7 m according to the scheme: two rows of English oak (Quércus robur) and a row in which alternates a spruce and a small-leaved lime tree. When you create a partial crop on young wood-cutting area with a satisfactory natural regeneration of the associated species in the absence of ordinary ash, the spruce-oak forest crops should be planted in a mechanized or manual way in strips having the width of 1-1,5 m placing between the centers of 8 m bands the alternation of a row of oak and another row of oak and spruce.