Lucrarea dată se referă studiul dezvoltarii sistemelor moderne de fabricatie in baza digitizarii si informatizarii proceselor de fabricare integrate pe interior si pe exterior cu utilizarea tehnologiilor de comunicare electronice , inclusiv a Internetului. Au fost analizate conceptele si instrumentele Fabricatiei Avansate (Advanced Manufacturing), e- Fabricatiei (e- Manufacturing), Fabricatiei digitale (Digital Manufacturing), Fabricatiei Digitale Directe (Direct Digital Manufacturing). Se constata ca conceptele fabricatiei moderne exploateaza o abordare a problematicii fabricarii cu mult mai larga si profunda in interior si cu mult mai extinsa in exterior decum a fost si este adoptat pentru fabricatia traditionala. Fabricarea reptezinta numai un element al unui sistem global de creare a produselor in baza de parteneriat, conlucrare si integrare informationala.
This thesis refers with the study of the development of modern manufacturing systems based on the digitization and computerization of manufacturing processes integrated on the inside and on the outside with the use of electronic communication technologies, including the Internet. The concepts and tools of Advanced Manufacturing, E-Manufacturing, Digital Manufacturing, Direct Digital Manufacturing were analyzed. It is shown that the concepts of modern fabrication exploit an approach to manufacturing issues with a much wider and deeper interior and much more extensive outside than it was and is adopted for traditional fabrication. Manufacturing reprezent only one element of a global products creation system based on partnership, collaboration and information integration.