Scopul lucrării este cercetarea și elaborarea sistemului de securitate și alarmă antiincendiu bazat pe rețele de senzori IoT pentru dezvoltarea infrastructurii SMARTCITY.
Obiectivele sânt: 1. Efectuarea analizei a BSOSS IoT moderne; 2. Dezvoltarea structurii sistemului IoT BSOSS; 3. Selectarea tehnologiei IoT BSOSS cu toleranță la erori; 4. Dezvoltarea unei structuri BSOSS bazate pe ZigBeee/GSM; 5. Elaborarea unei metodologii pentru selectarea unei variante raționale de construire a unui BSOSS IoT.
Research problem is ensuring the safety of life in densely populated cities with the help of modern IoT technologies is a priority for the development of SMARTCITY infrastructure.
Thesis purpose: Research and development of a security and fire alarm system based on IoT sensor networks for the development of SMARTCITY infrastructure.
Objectives are: 1. An analysis of modern IoT BSOSS; 2. Develop the structure of the BSOSS IoT system; 3. Selection of fault-tolerant BSOSS IoT technology; 4. Development of a ZigBeee/GSM based BSOSS framework; 5. Development of a methodology for selecting a rational option for building an IoT BSOSS.