Prin electroliza apei se intelege descompunerea apei (H2O)in oxigen (O2)si hidrogen (H2)datorita unui curent electric ce trece prin apa.O sursa electrica este conectata la doi electrozi,sau doua placi(confectionate din material inoxidabil ,ex.otel inoxidabil)ce sunt plasate in apa.Intr o celula perfecta ,hidrogenul va fi prezent la catod(electrodul incarcat negativ,pe unde electronii patrund in apa),si oxigenul va fi la anod(electrodul incarcat pozitiv).Cantitatea generata de hidrogen este de doua ori fata de moli de oxygen,amandoi fiind proportionali cu totalul incarcaturii electrice.
Electroiza apei necesita energie in exces in forma energiei potentiale pentru a depasii diferite bariere de activare.Fara energia in exces electroliza apei se petrece foarte incet sau chiar deloc.In parte este datorata auto ionizarii apei.
Eficacitatea electrolizei este sporita de catre electrolit(cum ar fi o sare ,acid,sau baza).Daca se aplica un current direct asupra generatorului,in apa va aparea o rezistenta foarte mare(mixtura de electrolit).O rezistenat ridicata genereaza caldura ce duce la fierberea apei.In vreme ce temperatura creste ,rezistenta in apa coboara,permitand tot mai mult current/amperi sa treaca de celula de combustibil.Pana la sfarsitul zile ,cantitatea curentului poate ajunge sa fie cu usurinta de trei ori mai mare fata de cea cu care ai inceput ziua ,ducand probabil la supraincalzirea celulei de combustibil ce poate provoca daune.
Comform datelor prezentate în lucrare putem observa o crestere in economicitatea consumului mediu a combustibilului la un MAS 1.4 (Fiat): 30.5% termen de resumparare a instalatiei HHO
5.7 luni; La un MAC 2.0 (Audi): 39.5% termen de rascumparare 5.1 luni; La un MAC 3.0 (BMW): 39.5% termen de rescumparare 4.6 luni. Micsorind si costul de expluatare si emisiile nocive sistemul HHO este cea mai eficienta sistema de alimentare hibrida deoarece inlocuiti o treime din combustibilul folosit cu apa. Tot odata acest system curate motorul de depunerile de carbon marindui fiabilitatea si termenul de expluatare respective.
Putem observa ca cu cit e mai mare capacitatea cilindrica ma motorului si respective consumul de combustibil cu atit mai eficienta si mai repe se rescupara sistemul HHO.
Electrolysis is the process of dividing molecules of water (H2O) it to (O2) and hydrogen (H2), thank’s to the electricity that is flowing through the water. A source of electricity is connected to 2 electrodes, or two plates (usually made from stainless steel) that are placed in water. In a perfect cell, hydrogen will be eliminated from the cathode (negatively charged electrode, through where electrons permeate in water), and oxygen will be at the anode (positively charged electrode). The generated quantity of hydrogen is twice as much as the quantity of generated oxygen, both been proportional to the total of electric charge.
The electrolysis of water requires energy in excess in order to overpass different activation barriers. With out of that excess of energy the process of electrolysis will flow very slow or will not work at all.
The efficiency of electrolysis is raised by electrolytes (such as: salt, acid, or base). If a electric charge will be applied to the generator a huge resistance will appear in water. The raised resistance leads to water boiling. While the temperature of water is rising the resistance in water decreases, letting more electric charge to flow. Through the end of the day you could end up with a resistance of 3 time less then what you started with, witch leads to the cell’s overheating and possible damages.
According to the numbers presented in this project we can observe a rise in fuel efficiency. In a Gasoline engine 1.4L (Fiat): 30.5%, redemption time of HHO system is 5.7 months. In a Diesel 2.0L (Audi): 39.5% redemption time 5.1 months. In a Diesel 3.0L (BMW) 39.5% redemption time 4.6 months.
Decreasing the cost of exploitation and harmful emissions, HHO systems is the most efficient hybrid alimentation system because you just replace a third part of fuel with water.
Also using this system leads to a cleaner burn and as well a cleaner engine. We can observe that the bigger the engine the faster is the redemption.