In primul capitol s-a efectuat o analiza a activităţii economice a întreprinderii „East-Auto-Lada” S.R.L. , a pieţei de prestări servicii transport internaţional de mărfuri, s-au examinat factorii ce influenţează la desfăşurarea transportului internaţional de mărfuri. In al doilea capitol compartiment au fost expuse metodele şi principiile de organizare a rutelor internaţionale. S-au propus spre analiză două curse, una ce corespunde condiţiilor de a fi amplasata pe un număr minim de tari si cealalta – traversarea a unui număr minim de frontiere. In al treilea capitol este prezentat calculul eficienţei economice a rutelor analizate.
In the first chapter it was made an analysis of the economic activity of the company "East-Auto-Lada" SRL; of market of international goods transport services, we examined the factors that influence under the development of international transport of goods In the second chapter compartment it were exposed methods and principles of organization of international routes. It have been proposed for consideration two routes, one corresponding the conditions to be located on a minimum number of countries and the other - a minimum number of crossing borders In the third chapter it was presented the calculation of economic efficiency of analyzed routes.