Browsing by Subject "natural language processing"

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  • PENTIU, Stefan-Gheorghe; BILIUS, Laura-Bianca (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    The system for biannual teachers’ evaluation made by students, acquires a large amount of information that becomes difficult to be analyzed by a manager. It is true that delivers a final score, but it is calculated based ...
  • CREŢU, S.; POPESCU, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Prezentul studiu vizează elaborarea unor tehnici de determinare a sensului (Sinn) unei propoziţii scrise sau rostite în limbaj natural, reieşind din semnificaţia (Meaning, Bedeutung) unităţilor lexicale fixate de un vocabular ...
  • BOBICEV, V. (Editura U.T.M., 2006)
    Modelele statistice ale textului sunt larg folosite în procesarea limbajului natural. Noţiunea de bază pentru modele statistice este probabilitatea elementelor textului. Probabilităţile se estimează folosind un corpus de ...
  • BOBICEV, Victoria; MAXIM, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    This paper describes the process of Russian and Romanian WordNet-Affect creation. WordNet-Affect is a lexical resource created on the base of Princeton WordNet which contains information about emotions the words convey. ...
  • BOBICEV, Victoria; SOKOLOVA, Marina (The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, 2008)
    Classification of texts potentially containing a complex and specific terminology requires the use of learning methods that do not rely on extensive feature engineering. In this work we use prediction by partial matching ...
  • RUSANOVSCHI, Mihaela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Această platformă pune bazele extinderii sferei de cercetare a traficului de persoane prin natura sa simplistă și ușoară O sursă singulară și extensibilă de date privind traficul de persoane ca punct central pentru analiză ...
  • DONOS, Eugenia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2018)
    Această teză reprezintă o cercetare a direcțiilor de dezvoltare, metodelor de aplicare și categoriile de probleme rezolvate de inteligența artificială. De asemenea a fost implementat un chatbot utilizînd o parte din ...
  • BURLEA, Tatiana; BOBICEV, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This paper describes an interface for the phonosemantic evaluation for Russian words. By phonosemantics we mean the subconscious emotional interpretation of the acoustic perception of words independent of their meaning. ...
  • CREŢU, S.; POPESCU, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2013)
    This study aims to develop techniques for determining the meaning (Sinn) of a sentence written or spoken in natural language, based on meaning (Meaning, Bedeutung) of lexical units fixed by a vocabulary (elaborated ad-hoc) ...
  • SPEIANU, Dana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Această lucrare de cercetare a fost realizată pentru a studia eficiența utilizătii metodelor lingvistive auto-supervizate în sarcina de a detecta articolele media false. Astfel, s-au studiat metodele existente de detectare ...
  • GHERCIU, Pavel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Natural language processing has seen many improvements in recent years, particularly driven by machine learning models such as OpenAI’s GPT-3. This paper aims to present the various language models, as well as OpenAI Codex, ...
  • IAPASCURTA, Victor; FIODOROV, Ion (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023)
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an ever-evolving field of computer science that involves the development of algorithms that can process, analyze and understand human language. One of the most exciting areas of NLP is ...
  • BOBICEV, Victoria; SOKOLOVA, Marina (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    In this work, we have presented the sentiment analysis of messages posted on medical forums. We stated the sentiment analysis as a multi-class classification problem in which posts were classified into encouragement, ...
  • COTELEA, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Articolul tratează aspectele generale de aplicare a metodelor simbolice în procesarea limbajului natural. Sunt descrise problemele de utilizare a limbajului natural de către calculator. Lucrarea îşi propune clarificarea ...
  • MĂRĂNDUC, Cătălina; HOCIUNG, Florinel; BOBICEV, Victoria (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2017)
    The UAIC-RoDepTreebank becomes an important balanced corpus, with increasing dimensions, which is intended to be used for multiple applications. For this purpose, it will be available in several formats, classical syntactic, ...
  • PĂPĂLUȚĂ, Vasile (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Conversational AI is the set of technologies behind automated messaging and speech-enabled applications that offer human-like interactions between computers and humans. It can communicate like a human by recognizing speech ...
  • BOBICEV, Victoria; SOKOLOVA, Marina; OAKES, Michael (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2015)
    It has been shown that online health-related discussions significantly influence the attitudes and behavioral intentions of the discussion participants. Although empirical evidence strongly supports the importance of ...

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